
Beyoncé has spoken. You must buy. Do not question.

Yeah, the women are asleep...

The first few after Twin XL should have a single figure on it that signifies “Single, but optimistic.”

Two dudes sleeping in a bed together with two women between them because they ain’t gay?

I don’t think I want to know what is going on in that Alaska King bed.

Man, when is Kyle Katarn gonna rejoin the Star Wars canon? My dude Dash Rendar is apparently canon again due to some Solo supplemental materials so Kyle can’t be far off.

Microsoft: “Okay, we need to switch up the brand name! Gotta keep the XBox thing, but we need something simple and obvious that everyone will understand, like calling the third XBox the XBox One, or following the XBox One X with the Xbox Series X!”

On one end we have Sony, whose naming scheme is a bit boring, but consistent and easy to follow. On the other you have Nintendo whose names are varied, but at least have some kind of reasoning behind the names that ties to the console’s features (except for Wii and Wii U from what I can tell).

trust me, if it ever happens the headline would lead with the words “holy shit”

Damn it I saw the picture for the article and thought they announced a new Dark Forces game. Now I’m sad. 

Fuck everyone involved in this story. Fucking morons.

The blog post is misleading. Dean Foods has declared chapter 11 bankruptcy. It is not closing its doors. It is getting relief from it’s creditors while it restructures. Then it will pay some portion of it’s debts back. One group of creditors is the unfunded portion of it’s pension plan.

Several streaming platforms offer the Bon Appetit channel, which is all the same videos as the YouTube channel (frequently posted earlier), with no sort of subscription fee or anything. No worry about the next video up being SOME GUY SCREAMING AT YOU TO SMASH THAT LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE BUTTON or anything like that.

wouldn’t “First sale doctrine” apply somehow?  I know it’s usually applied to copyrighted works, but I’d think that once he paid the Krispy Kreme store for the food, he’s free to do whatever the hell he wants with it.  

Show me a local news station that doesnt report on robbery homicides. This is a video game site that has reported on many Pokemon Go related events (including when people find dead bodies or get in car accidents) so of course they would report on it and it’s relevant.

Oh shit, you’re telling me a video game website doesn’t report random murders, deaths, and accidents, and only mentions them when they’re notably tied to video games?

This has blown my mind.

Not everyone who logs miles in an airplane is a billionaire jet-setter. A fair number of frequent fliers (myself included) are having their travel paid for by their employer. Increasing the cost of those flights isn’t going to reduce the amount that I travel, it’ll just increase the amount my company pays for that

hey fellow horror fans, i’m currently putting together a PDF of all the stories so they’re easier to read. anyone want a copy?

Made this account purely to participate because I have a recent weird experience. This story is from about two months ago. I have no clear explanation for what the hell happened and it took me three attempts to work myself up to remembering it in enough detail to write it down. Here goes.

When I was in 7th grade one of my best friends, Carrie, had a Halloween party at her house. She invited a bunch of girls over. She asked me and our other best friend, Stacey, to spend the night.

For the most part it was a relatively wholesome Halloween party with activities like pumpkin carving, a bonfire with