Uh, how’s that?
Uh, how’s that?
Farts stay trapped in the burka, not a problem.
About 2.5 years ago when I started CrossFit. I’d never liked working out; I would usually have a gym membership, but would end up going a few times a month and doing the elliptical for 30 minutes, being bored, and not seeing any results. I usually had 2-3 beers per day, and ate whatever I wanted. This resulted in me…
Still weird.
I’ve really liked this series, even before my girlfriend got me an Anova for my birthday a few weeks ago. I’ve already tried your egg recipe (though I need to figure out how to nix the eggy foam next time) and made a dope steak Saturday night. It wasn’t clear in this recipe, though: did you prefer the one cooked to…
Yeah, pepper jelly over cream cheese is v underrated.
I think giving it five minutes or so to rest before cutting it open should help it to not all ooze out (though I know it can be hard to wait). Using a round instead of a wedge could also help since you would have the rind on there to help retain its shape. There might be another secret that someone has on brie…
This has been my go-to party food for the past 7 or 8 years, and I can attest that people 1. Are impressed by it, and 2. Will eat it all. I usually use raspberry jam, for what it’s worth. I also do another version where I roast a whole head of garlic, mash it into a paste with olive oil, salt, pepper, and a tiny bit…
Yeah, it seems to me that the chef was fired because he was caught, not because what he was doing was wrong.
This story has a real https://www.reddit.com/r/thatHappened/ vibe to it.
I hope she doesn’t eat all 20.
It really doesn’t matter to me, but damn, cracking open an ice cold Miller High Life bottle on a hot day, when there are still flecks of ice sticking to the bottle, and then tipping that bad boy back, then watching the head froth up when you put the bottle back down. There is something sublime in that that simply…
This is great advice. I have so many female friends who are doing online dating who say the guys just chat endlessly and never ask them out. This BAFFLES me, since, having done online dating for the better part of 10 years, my goal was to say hello, establish a quick rapport, and ask them out ASAP. It seems to have…
“Plus, because restricting food lowers your metabolism”
Damn. When I was a junior/senior in high school, I worked as a prep and line cook for a nice steak/seafood restaurant. I made $10/hour back then (2001/2002), so relatively speaking I was rolling in it compared to my $7/hour friends, but I was never aware of this practice of getting tipped out by the waitstaff.
...is it a he?
Also called “sabering.” This is probably the best video on the internet about it