
Yeah, that’s what really bugs me about this whole thing.

Now playing

Did someone say the rippin’ and the tearin’?

Well, I just meant warm from sitting out for a while, which is why people get afraid of mayo potato salad at cookouts. I’m game for a vinergary potato salad.

Well, technically it’s the risk of botulism from the potatoes that makes warm potato salad dangerous, not the mayo.

Thank you for this post. I asked this a few weeks ago but it didn’t get answered. I’m glad that people replied to you so that I could find out myself.


Well, it’s good that FSU is consistent in their recruiting at least.

Doing the Lord’s work, I see.

Wait, what? Is he not doing the show or something?

I know nothing about Dark Souls; can someone explain to me why everyone seems to be highlighted in white or red?

That image from The Onion will never get old.

You can put a set of BFG ATs on about any truck and make it look about 200 times better.

This song is so awful. Sounds like an LMFAO reject.

I don’t even like kids and I can’t understand it.


I give this video two thumbs down :-(

Dog’s pearls on fleek.

Wow, me too. That’s crazy.

Damn, this is an unbelievable troll. Well done, Doug.