In Texas there used to be an "Excessive Acceleration" law that was citable offense. I believe they binned it 10 or so years ago, but it is not uncommon to still be pulled over for the old offense just so they can get a better look at you.
In Texas there used to be an "Excessive Acceleration" law that was citable offense. I believe they binned it 10 or so years ago, but it is not uncommon to still be pulled over for the old offense just so they can get a better look at you.
When it is capable of accelerating faster than is legally allowed, and can exceed posted speed limits...You know, almost all of the cars. I get what the intention is in the term, but it is too blanket statement, and doesn't properly address the real issues of a car that has too many horsepowers and torques for the…
Of course, it would take him 30-45 minutes to get across a parking lot with those tiny little legs.
There is a freshly empty space on the side of the road in Marfa waiting for the real thing. No bunnies though...Or Chargers.
Waaay more people having to look up the definition of Science. Or sense...But that seems less likely.
More Speciale Option
No icicle cam? I am disappoint.
There's no replacement, for water displacement.
"God, I can almost hear you getting fatter Ricciardo. What size is that shirt?
Crazy. I am 6'2" and 220 lbs. Basically I would be the slowest F1 driver in the wuuuurld...If I could fit more than part of one leg inside the cockpit.
Come on man! Come on, please? Stop it. Just quit it. Don't show that picture...Don't do it. You did it!! You're a poopy head. You are a doody cockadoodoo head. I'm taking my pictures and going home. I mean it. You got them from someone else already!? Oh, that's it.I am sick and tired of all of this super…
Or an 8 second video of an iPhone sitting beneath the exhaust, while the owner revs the motor to show you what his new glass packs sound like.
So much to learn.
Ah! How silly of me. I was looking behind the exhaust belts this entire time. Is it above or below the tuning fork?
Well fuck Orlove. You just sold me a Cobra. Nice piece of writing.
Seriously. Hopefully, regardless of how or why it happened, she can realize that what she did was far more dangerous than just hitting a police car and evading.
I've done some volunteer work in the past with groups that deal with Alcohol dependency. A recurring theme that I have heard are the terrifying stories of people waking up and going to the garage and finding a wrecked car, and not knowing how it happened, or how they drove home. Worse still, waking up in a hospital,…
I just get angry when I can't find the headlight fluid reservoir. Haven't found it on one damn car yet.
7 3/4. Takes a whole roll of Heavy Duty Reynolds.