Probably they just put the factory in Super Pursuit Mode.
Probably they just put the factory in Super Pursuit Mode.
Your little fast horse can get you a beer faster, but my mighty fucking Clydesdale can bring me ALL of the beer! And it played football that one time.
Your Mom.
It's definitely an F1 powered Enzo.
Lock-Opposite of employed.
They only really need one thing. The NSA. They have been using the invisible "black" helicopters to deliver things for years. The drones they have are top notch. Now if you will excuse me, my doctor told me to only wear the foil hat for 23 hours a day. I'm off to my lead lined panic room. Real shitty signal in…
Should have let Rudolph join in the games. Instant Karma Assholes.
I knew it. After all of the shit I have given it for being a baby Fusion...I like it.
"Why didn't you lift?"
Here I am, brain the size of a planet, and I can't even find out when Top Gear starts. I'll tune in on the 23rd, but I am not going to like it. You will probably hate it.
True story
The house was later heard yelling "Damn you Mongorians! You break down my shitty wall." No word yet on if the rally car was actually Mongolian, or if the house was indeed from SouthPark, CO.
Tweeting about what a dick you are HAL. Now seriously, I am not going to ask you again. No more funny business. Take me to Starbucks right now!! I really need a pumpkin cheescake quad shot half caff skinny green tea chai frappamochalatteccino macchiato! I'm super cereal.
Subtle like a sledgehammer to the face.
I clicked on it, then they switched it to slow motion and it really hit me that two people were literally dying right in front of me. No matter how detached you are from it, even watching it on video from 1800 miles away, that is a terrible feeling.
The Mayhem guy from Allstate commercials.
I don't drive oxymorons.
What about killer sinkholes? Or Sinkholenado? What if it was Bane trapping all of the police, (literally, all of them), underground?