
I am laughing too hard at this.

This won't be the last time that woman drives into a train, and get's hit by another train after that.

Found out her mission was to Uganda with a fat kid who lies.

No no no. Leave the gun, take the cannoli.

Whoa. Relevant two days in a row huh?

But some water gives you cancer, and catches on fire. And salt water will heal your skin, but kill you if you drink too much of it.

Why did you turn?

That's a lot of flour

I don't really get this either. Are there really that many people that freak out when their auto headlights flip on under an overpass, or driving through the city?

Over thought it. Everybody knows if you are going to do something naked/half naked, you go immediately.

Fucking clown shoes.

That could be lifted/turned, why did you/VTEC...Broseph Stalin

Sweet. Always wondered, but never researched.

Ha! Well played sir. I'm gonna go empty the spittoon now, and shoot guns in the air.

Dammit. How am I supposed to out-stereotype you?!

I'm from Texas. We wear our boots to bed, and ride horses everywhere.

Fuck it. Carpet Bomb the Canadians now.

Anal Marauder