A Small Turnip

I think it’ll come down to who gets under who’s skin first and Hillary might have the thickest skin in DC. Trump, meanwhile, is sensitive about his short fingers. It also sounds like Obama and Bill are going to be the ones firing the big guns and freeing up Hillary to concentrate on being positive. Frankly, I can see

I’m very curious to see how that’s going to play out - she needs to stay above the fray while at the same time hitting him hard on his lack of coherent policies and his fascistic tendencies.

Psychologically, I really don’t know how he’s going to handle Hillary. Trump’s Megyn Kelly “feud”/obsession seems extraordinary both because it seems so high-cost for him and relatively unprovoked. She asked him, once, a question about his misogyny in a debate? Like, JESUS CHRIST, that’s her job.

Exactly! I think - because of the way she looks - he had the expectation that she would behave like a fawning, eager-to-please beauty pageant contestant whose success and public existence is in some fundamental sense utterly dependent on his (r.e. male) approval. But it turns out, she’s not a dumb, obsequious blonde

I think there is something weird and psychosexual in his inability to take criticism from her. He cannot abide her not liking him - her dissent. At first, it seemed like the usual politician versus pesky reporter war, but it’s not. There’s something about her being female that he cannot stand.

I’m enjoying how when Gawker’s own flaming demise is the breaking news, it takes its sweet ass time and then a thoughtful analysis as to what to post next.

Is anyone gonna say anything about how y’all just lost to Hulk Hogan?
Because the New York Times, The Daily Beast, Huffington Post, Buzzfeed and a whole metric fuckton of websites are talking about it.

I get you’re probably not supposed to, but it looks weird.
Super weird.

If I remember this correctly, didn’t this whole Kelly/Trump thing start because moderator Kelly has the audacity to Trump if someone of his temperament should be president?

This guy is such a f***ing idiot; he deserves not one vote. He’s a child and completely unfit for the office inhabited by great men (and hopefully soon a great woman). How can the GOP have stooped so low and endangered this country should he actually become president?

Obama got to use a blackberry specially designed for him.

I think that’s because Garland is the kind of nominee who values precedent, even if he doesn’t agree with them. I could see him supporting further restrictions on campaign finance as a means to limit the effects of Citizens United. I certainly wouldn’t call him “center right.” But I think that this discussion shows

I don’t think this has anything to do with neo-liberalism. Kagan and Sotomayor are very progressive, but they were nominated at a time when their confirmation wasn’t a HUGE issue. Now Obama is trying to get a pick in when the confirmation IS the issue. He is still trying to use his sway while proving how

...that’s neo liberalism for you.

You’d still need a nominee that gets advice and consent from the Senate, which is unlikely if the nominee is too far to the left.

Garland is a moderate, but he’s not “center right.” If anything, he’s center left, with every indication being that he will join the liberal wing of the court on most social issues.

Yeah, that kind of bothered me too. This strikes me as a time when honesty is not the best policy- even if he feels this way, now is not the time to say so. President Obama is clearly doing a thing at the moment (picked someone he would find acceptable if he got confirmed but is also clearly a compromise pick to prove

I find this to be really frustrating. Of course, Garland isn’t the most progressive pick; in the current political climate, where even this moderate nominee is unlikely to get a fair hearing, a more progressive candidate would especially be DOA. Obama was/is being a savvy politician by offering up a qualified

This is bullshit. It is outrageous for Bernie to suggest Obama should retract his nominee if he doesn’t pass by November — that’s essentially the Republican argument that the incoming person should decide who goes on the court. And, like them, he only thinks that rule should only apply if it’s his team who wins the

My dad hates Hillary Clinton, but as a journalist he shook her hand once and she definitely has some warm star quality power, according to him.

I created an account so that I could reply to your story. I have a close family member that currently is pretty high up in the State Department. This person has meet Hilary many, many times in meetings and at several important functions. Overall, everything I have ever heard from this family member, every story about