A Small Turnip

Really Kirstie?

Boy, you know when Breitbart orders reporters to ‘stop speculating’, something has gone terribly wrong.

When staffer Brandon Darby pushed back, saying, “This is a declaration of war. Silence is abandoning our team member,” Pollak responded: “In war, we wait for orders that are based on a careful plan.”

Seriously. That was an epic clapback.

Everything’s comin’ up розы!!

And when they say he got in because of quotas (because they will, even in the face of his evident talent) he can say Donald got in as a Legacy.

I am super into this Jamie Foxx and Katie Holmes pairing! May they one day have the nuptials of my dreams.

Well, yes, that as well. But like slaughterhouses, animal products come at a price... If you buy fur made in ok conditions, it’s not as bad

palin’s lil bb is cute af

I was going to write ‘It really saddens me that Chris Brown is father to a little girl’ but then I realised that the sentence is just as true if you stop at ‘It really saddens me that Chris Brown’.

This gif is kinda mesmerizing and I just stared at it for like two minutes.

ETA:sorry, replied to wrong comment!

“I mean she’s hot but not accuse you of a federal crime hot.”

they’re not even “media,” just a reich-wing cheerleader squad.

He’s gonna send Denton pictures of himself circled in gold Sharpie with “See! Not a rotting pumpkin pie. VERY FRESH.” written on them.

Lewandowski also cites a Breitbart article by Joel B. Pollak which argues that the incident did not happen as Fields said it did, but offers that if it did, the offender might have been a security guard, and not Lewandowski.

I hope she wins.

I’m agog. I can still remember Bill Clinton being asked,”Boxers or briefs?” at an MTV town hall meeting, and Bob Dole falling off a platform while campaigning. The Mark Foley fallout, the permanent dyslexia of W, the Swift Boating of John Kerry, and the plague of Palin.

It’s unfortunate that Donald Trump didn’t manhandle her himself, as there’s no way his tiny tiny hands would be able to actually cause pain.