A Small Turnip

He got into an accident as a kid and developed congenital glaucoma. Doctor’s managed to save one eye. As to why he isn’t wearing an eye patch? Because he fucking owns it, in my opinion.

Why do women hate this show now? I don’t get it. It wasn’t perfect but it was funny and I find it hard to believe that people didn’t learn at least one valuable thing from it when in their early 20s.

I just ignore the movies, and then I feel better about everything.

I’m Canadian, so I sometimes miss the nuance of what’s going on below. Republicans insist Hillary is about to go off to jail (as do some Sanders’ supporters, which is interesting). I’m guessing Clinton supporters say the opposite. For those dispassionate neutrals out there, tell me: how likely is it? From what I

I legit think its cute but I buy into lies A LOT for peace of mind.

Oh, Zac Efron. I know we’re supposed to find totally ripped guys really hot but I hugged a guy who was that jacked once and IT HURT. Like, he was so hard all over it was like hugging concrete. I didn’t want to imagine sex. Ow.

As a mental health professional with some familiarity with neuroscience I’m wondering what you base this assessment on. “Some people are beyond hope” is a very subjective statement and one I’d argue is the product of one’s own faith (or lack thereof).

This exactly. Which is why we do not recognize the predator, the pedophile, the abuser - because they are very much human.

No the law is still valid, but in this case, so is the comparison.

It shouldn’t apply when the comparison is appropriate.

Don’t buy the whole, “we should just have more compassion for them” thoughtline.

Aw, Miley’s all right. I’m an old and have developed a bit of a soft spot for her in her post-Hanna Montana years. She’s got a particularly bad case of the Young-and-Stupids that flares up now and then, but I think her heart is in the right place. And while her music isn’t always my cup of, that young lady can SING.

It’s a psychological technique to separate ourselves from evil. But evil is banal. It’s not a strong force, it’s an edifice of human weakness.

I have this argument on kinja all the time. Even otherwise non-superstitious people want to believe in monsters and “evil.”

Bobby Jindal says it’s all Obama’s fault.

It is important to understand that people who do horrible things aren’t monsters. They are humans who made horrible choices. I think calling them Monsters takes away their agency and their responsibility for making those choices.

You missed the point.


I don’t really get the (light) snark towards the celebrities who come out swinging against Trump. Regardless of what you personally think about the celebrity in question, the more people voicing their opinion about that POS the more undecided prospective Trump voters will see reason. That’s all we can hope for at this

I think part of the reason is that Bill Cosby stars front and center of The Cosby Show. He is visible in almost every scene. Someone can watch Chinatown and have no idea that it was directed by a person who would be arrested for rape if he ever set foot in the US again (Polanski).