A Small Turnip

If you bring your spouse to your office holiday party and s/he proceeds to be a drunk and obnoxious boor, do you really think everyone’s opinion of you won’t be affected?

honest to god, not sure why people are surprised at this.....Kim ain’t no dummy. She’s built an empire and us suckers keep feeding her money, so who is the dumb one now?

Kanya, on the other hand, consistently shows the world his hand. and it’s a crazy one.

Plot Twist - Kim Kardashian is the one with more common sense.

For me, it’s the last song. As soon as Eliza starts singingI am just DONE. Nothing but ugly crying.

There’s nothing emasculating about being gay.

I never thought it would happen to me but yesterday I was listening to Hamilton while in my yard weeding and I started crying fat tears during Quiet Uptown and I had to go inside. I’m the worst.

specificity what specificity hahaha this is just a general observation

I love how it then wound up with: “...idk, this is all just hypothetical.”

I enjoyed the specificity of this. ⭐️

I just want what Britney wants.

Honestly Britbrit I like where your head’s at you just have to be careful. I’ve met a lot of hot nerds who came into their looks post-high school and it’s made them into MONSTERS. And you’re like, how could you cheat on me while borrowing my car and they’re like ooooo I was never hot in high school and they almost cry

I just want Britney to be happy.

I imagine those “things she’s said” include pride in her long political record and work for children and women, refusing to renounce her (really quite popular!) time and work as Senator for New York, and likewise her time and work as Secretary of State. And, surely, all of her pronouncements about her qualifications

Bernie has a clear, concise “we” message, even if it’s pie-in-the-sky: The game is rigged and we have to take the country back from the privileged few and make it work for everyone.

I think what’s being asked of this author is that we not use feminism to tear other women down. “Still, there is an equally dark place reserved for women who invoke the blessed name of Feminism to criticize another woman’s behavior.” But there you go, doing it with your interpretation of “staple” feminist behavior.

Please explain to me why, in Dowd’s terms, Bill Clinton’s wife, daughter and female subordinates were humiliated by his actions? Why are they morally responsible for it? That’s a whole lot of tongue clicking on why a woman can’t keep her man in line.

This argument really rubs me the wrong way for a few reasons. First, IIRC, Hillary Clinton had very little to say publicly about her husband’s affair, and was blamed and humiliated for it. And second, Monica Lewinsky and the three Clinton accusers were treated horribly and dismissed as liars by the media and the

The trying to score points against Hillary because her husband cheated on her is really the lowest of the low. You know Maureen Dowd is one of those women with no women friends.

Maureen Dowd continuing to be horrible aside, I really don’t see this sense of “entitlement” from Hillary Clinton. She’s a hard worker with an incredible amount of experience, and it feels like her daring to show up and run for president gets her accused of entitlement. Is there anything that she has actually said