A Small Turnip

“Well, since they haven’t been convicted of anything, it can’t really be called punishment, as such...”

Why does this news about Idris come as a surprised? While I appreciate his acting and many of his statements, he has always come off ultra-cocky and full of himself, and very abrasive- he’s always been kind of a dick imo.

It seems like he was a strict constitutionalist when it favored him to be so. The constitution says no cruel and unusual punishment, but he’s trying to interpret that by saying, “Torture? Seems like a grey area to me...”

Elba may be an asshole, I don’t know him, but the timing of when his relationships break up can hardly be an indicator. Lots of relationships break up during pregnancy and during the difficult early childhood years. For lots of good, legitimate reasons. That being said, I listened to one npr interview of him and he

This is really a win-win for Democrats. The Republicans delay the vote for a year? Makes them look terrible and immature, and is likely to cause some Republican Senators to lose their seats in blue states (and it may hurt them in the presidential general election). The Republicans grow the fuck up and approve the

I sincerely doubt that Obama will let them do anything terrifying. While his two terms have been greatly reduced in effectiveness by obstructionism, he’s pretty good at making the GOP offers they can’t refuse but remain in the progressive benefit.

Well that is a huge bummer to discover about Idris Elba. That really makes me dislike him. Cheating on someone who’s pregnant or just recently had a baby just makes it even worse, that’s a horrible thing to do to someone.

It seems Obama can’t lose this political fight, which makes it a bad one to start.

The 2000 presidency was called because the GOP (*led by Justice Scalia*) speciously claimed America couldn’t even wait a *SINGLE DAY* to finish counting the votes. So waiting a year now is an attempted partisan power grab at it’s WORST.

Can’t have it both ways GOP crooks - (NO WAY they’d roll over with the roles

Even using the term “debate” gives far too much power to the right-wing jackholes in Congress.

So Idris pulled a Crudup?

When artists I respect are bad as humans I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MY EMOTIONS.

Good to know that the Republicans think Presidential terms are only three years long. Might need to bone up on the Constitution.

+1 but also add Tom Clancy.

me too... but 14 y/o me thought they were awesome!

You’d think Obama would have had the sense to schedule this assassination for last year.

I’m embarrassed by how much I enjoyed John Grisham books in my younger days.

That was weirdly my first thought too

Sounds like someone’s been re-reading his old copy of The Pelican Brief.

Maybe he should ask the woman he “made” Taylor Swift for some financial help. She seems to be doing really well!