A Small Turnip

I was thinking it was cool she was standing in solidarity. :)

It doesn’t stop the harassment though. The dumbasses who have bought into the xenophobia wave consider anybody with an accent a “job theiving Mexican”. At least here in New Jersey they do. If we can’t support Mexicans out of pure principle, we should at least do it out of self preservation.

“Peace to you, your families and all your immigrant employees.”

Don’t think for a second that they want you here either.

I know several Chi-rish people. Zhongguo go brahg.

How dare Latinos stand in solidarity with each other!!!1!

Well, of the three celebrities mentioned in the first line of the story, all three were born in America, so none of them are living in fear of deportation. I don’t think that was exactly the point of the letter.

There’s an easy way Debbie can avoid dealing with this. Work any other job. Like, nearly any other job would not put her in the position of dealing with the gayz getting married.

May I make a correction? Christianity isn’t doing it wrong, stupid people claiming to be Christians are doing it wrong. We are most definitely not all the same.

For the multi-generationally poor, there are only 2 luxuries available to them in life: comfort food, and sex.

Not that you haven’t thought of it, but I’m pretty sure no matter what you did, even if you literally kept a running notepad of what was ‘required’, they would say you did it wrong every. single. time.

The fuck kind of world do we live in when telling people that they’re living wrong and going to be judged and burn in hell can be construed as “I felt I talked nicely to them.”

I used to work at a small county courthouse in the south. A friend called the County Clerk’s office “the haughty gauntlet,” because we never wanted to go down there to ask for anything. They were known for this weird, power-tripping stuff. I can picture in my mind how this went down.

I’m so glad Abramovich and

Except for the part where this is omits that the undecided superdelegates from the state exist and are undecided, as well as assuming that none of the superdelegates committed to Clinton switch away from Clinton like they did in 2008.

As a moderate Democrat, I find your analysis basically sound, with the exception that I think even Bernie would beat Ted Cruz, who is the universally most-loathed politician of his generation on both sides of the aisle and only appealing to a very tiny slice of the red-meat fundamentalist base. I’d say that he, not

Lots of folks seem to be upset by this, but neither the Democrats or the Republicans have a massively strong interest in “democracy” nearly as much as they have an interest in being elected.

You can bet the GOP establishment wishes they had super delegates right about now. And, as I said in another post about this on Groupthink, before anyone shouts “conspiracy” know that this is the way the Democrats run their primary system. Bernie knew this going in. Clinton has been working furiously for years to line

A moderate Republican’s perspective:

Bernie essentially tied in Iowa, and outright won New Hampshire. The obvious structural points to be made are both States are lily white, not all that populated, and not reflective in the slightest of the demographics of the contests coming up.

Tactically, as a Republican, I should

*runs as anti-establishment*

there is this guy who comments on like every.single.article about Bernie or remotely related to Bernie on Facebook. usually with a meme or a picture of some kind. he is quintessential Bernie Bro. Not listening to the other side’s concerns, just drowning them out in “BERNIE IS BEST CANDIDATE HE IS FOR PEOPLE DO YOU