A Small Turnip

I worked for Oprah once, producing a reality show. I would definitely say that the people who work there are NOT relentlessly cheerful. There are amazing perks like free drycleaning and daycare but her top two lieutenants were two of the most miserable people I’ve ever met. One woman would sit in the screening room

Because I have nothing better to do, I googled her. Apparently she “believes in faith, not religion,” and was a very strong supporter of marriage equality. I’m not getting a super religious vibe from what I’m reading, so I dunno why she’s going around rebuking people. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Libertarianism is a paper ideology. It looks convincing as a dry equation, but completely falls apart when subjected to real-world, human conditions. Surprise, surprise, trying to apply overly simplistic economic principles to every sphere of human society and governance is not an effective way for the world to

You realize that rational decisions and accountability are not unique to libertarians right?

I had no clue this was a thing, even though one of my best friends throughout college fit this to a T. Smugly hating the world and other people when he’s had every systemic advantage thrust upon him. Still love the dude, but it’s good to know he’s a type like everyone else.

He [Donald Trump] gets South Park—its cheap spite, its self-congratulation, the fantasy that privileged scorn for political correctness is subversive, rather than the exact opposite—better than the Pauls ever did...

and don’t forget “i own your child”

No, but his music does not redeem the rest of him. You are welcome to your opinions obviously, but you’re working really hard to publicly rationalize your defense of him.

You sound like a supreme back peddler.

Ah, so you’re not at all a feminist. Makes so much more sense now.

Because I respect all women regardless of whether I like them or their career choices.

To good for?

The hatred for her because she’s a little book-stupid but gorgeous is amazing on this site.

I mean really what has she done that a thousand other disgustingly rich women have done? Gotten plastic surgery? Bought a stupid amount of clothing? Purchased a job so she seems busy? Had sex one time with a gross

Ehm, I’m going to go with talented misogynistic, slut shaming rape apologist < insufferable banality.

I see Kanye has embarked upon Phase 3 of Operation: Make The People Of Twitter Forget About #fingersinthebootyAssBitch.

Right. I am hoping that Amber is somewhere going, “ok do you get it now? This fucking guy!” and yes Amber, the world gets it. He’s such a loser.

Oh, she’s super boring and she’s doing something very banal with the pin-up girl idea of fame, but w/e. I actually find the younger sisters more worrying in terms of false feminine virtue.

I don’t think he will. I think it’ll be like Shia LaBeouf, or Andy Dick. Even when no one is paying attention anymore, he’ll just KEEP TALKING.

Were there many people on Jezebel who were pro-Roman Polanski? It was years ago but I remember there was huge outrage on feminist websites over that petition. I’m not really seeing the hypocrisy.

You know I don’t really mind Kim that much, because to my mind she’s just a pretty girl doing her thing, but that said I have never had what would be a raging respect for her. With these constant outbursts of misogyny from Dipshit Rapper Guy recently I feel incredibly sorry for her. Not only is he turning out to be a

Kanye is the fucking Damien Hirst of music. A true shill and hack through and through. Anybody who trumpets his “genius” loses all critical relevance for me.