A Small Turnip

Hillary is a liberal. Hillary has always been a liberal. Stop spreading that myth. And the persons above and below who said both Kaish and Clinton are middle of the road or moderates are misinformed. Kaish is far right just not so much of an asshole about it. Clinton is a liberal and her voting record in the senate

Gratefulness is a word homey

I love her coming for Rubio. Especially when he said Hillary wants it to be legal for women to have abortions on their due date and she said, “That’s called a cesarean.” And when he said, “I would rather lose an election than be wrong on the issue of life,” and she said, “Looks like you’ll do both!”

Rock that looked like a guy. Classic NH.

I could see a moderate independent having this opinion. These are two of the closes to the middle of the political spectrum on each side.

Teri / Ballgown 2016

I mean, Aroostook county? Sure. But down here in southern Maine, we’re closer to Boston than Bangor. Take that for what it’s worth (not much)

Southern Maine is nice. The coast is gorg. Northern Maine is a different universe.

they are both considered to be somewhat middle of the road and willing to reach accross the aisle.

Nah, if I told you the number of times we’ve seriously considered annexing New Hampshire because we’re tired of their shit, and paying their tolls on our way south, you’d be surprised. They’re there as a buffer state so we don’t crush the Massholes out of annoyance.

The first one. There is a huge cadre of people who, while not being solidly anti-vax, believe that there are too many vaccines given to small children before the age of five and that their little bodies aren’t designed to weather such an assault. Or so I’m told by some soggy, half-hearted hippy friends.

I mean, she’s not wrong. So that already puts her well above most of our presidential candidates.

“I think for us as moms, we want opportunities for our kids. I think a big piece for my children is college debt. Not that I want the government to pay anything, but I think somehow the system has to be reworked a little bit. It’s too expensive.”

Teri for president!

It’s a common misconception, nobody wants to admit that the younger generation is better than they were.

Anything to help fix this plumbuming catastrophe.

The mental effects of lead poisoning are devastating. Since the US outlawed leaded auto gas, everything related to human behavior has improved over the last few decades in our country.

I love Rose Byrne and Bobby Cannavale together, but I just can’t get over that nagging fear in the back of my head that he really is the evil deranged man from Boardwalk Empire. That role was just so deeply disturbing that I always see an overlay, even when he is pleasantly dancing across the screen.

I know people like to roll their eyes and hate (and I'm usually one of them) but that Gigi Hadid tho. Has there ever been a creature more gorgeous?

“Avoiding a racist mix-up by skipping dark paint altogether would’ve been another cool option.”