A Small Turnip

It was funny, but people should be warned that the humor is a lot darker than her mainstream stuff. There’s a whole chapter in there on her nearly being raped as a thirteen year old and avoiding it primarily because she was so deeply socially awkward that her rapist couldn’t get her into the bedroom.

i love samantha bee and everyone should read (or listen! it’s great on audio) her book.

Gillian Anderson would probably disagree with that assessment of yours. As would a great many other western women.

Hollywood badly needs its own version of the NFL’s Rooney Rule. It doesn’t set up a quota system that requires a set number of POCs get hired, but it forces predominantly white power structures to at least meet with minority candidates every single time they’re looking to hire someone for a senior management. Even

Kristen Stewart was addressing a different issue (sexism) and was kind of set up by Variety. They’ve since apologized.

Which is why the issue of #Oscarsowhite is, as people have rightfully said, an issue that starts far before we get to the nomination process/Oscars. I totally understand people’s anger, but it’s aimed at the wrong people right now (I mean, it should be aimed at everyone, but it feels like it’s missing out on the root

I’m so glad that a large number of people are acknowledging that the diversity problem Hollywood has is deeply ingrained in the fundamental structure of the industry. It’s not just about the hiring of actors, it’s the hiring of directors, screenwriters, producers, DPs, editors, sound editors, sound mixers, composers,

POTO has been running through my veins continuously since I was 14. It is part of my anatomy and I will love it forever.

The trouble is that there, as with “Cats,” it’s all wrapped around Andrew Lloyd Webber’s music, which, for those who have never opened that old “Jesus Christ Superstar” record, may be one of the few things less interesting than a Super Bowl

Let's give it up for the dads who gifted their children with an unabashed love of Andrew Lloyd Weber.

That's awesome! :-) I completely understand. For my 10th birthday, my parents took me to see Phantom at the Kennedy Center in DC. We had box seats (I don’t even want to know what my mom paid for them). We got all dressed up and went to dinner beforehand. I remember feeling so very grown-up. And I was so enthralled

I won a contest to go see the Canadian opening in Toronto in 1989. I was SO into it then. Aiden Quinn sat behind me. And talked ALL THE WAY THROUGH. I can’t watch him in anything now without thinking of that.

don’t forget we are mostly young, and the young are apathetic. You have people who share stuff on facebook, but when it comes to actually registering, then showing up to vote, well...that’s too much work.

I have talked to friends who are Sanders supporters who are planning to stay home if he is not the nominee. They are mostly young and idealistic or mid-age white middle class dudes and their wives. I have never talked to a Clinton supporter of any stripe who would abstain from voting if Sanders is the nominee.

Democrats just won’t show up at all, THAT is the real issue. Not that democrats would ever vote for a republican candidate, but that they won’t vote at all...

I’m quite sure Democrats will vote for a Democrat, regardless of who it is.

I really really hope you are right but every comment section on The Slot has led me to believe otherwise.

Okay, maybe it was the pregnancy hormones racing through my system, but I was literally crying this weekend while reading more and more about the state of choice in America. This is my first pregnancy, and it was my choice to keep this pregnancy. My choice. This pregnancy is handing me my ass, and I can’t even imagine


I’m conflicted here, because those ARE the way people use all of those words. Should they? No, of course not, it’s gendered bullshit. But we have a language that’s descriptive, and pointing out that those are common sentences containing those words is merely a statement of reality. I don’t know that it’s a