Exactly, she was the straight man in Parks & Rec who was surrounded by zany characters.
Exactly, she was the straight man in Parks & Rec who was surrounded by zany characters.
She’s good at playing the nice character. Sometimes you need one of those!
I think it’s mostly her eyes, which are one of those shades rarely found in anything other than semi-precious gemstones, and her perfect skin. I definitely wouldn’t throw her out of bed for eating crackers.
I don't know, I really loved her on The Office.
Hardly anyone is going to be to everybody’s taste. Maybe she just doesn’t do it for you!
I think it’s the super hot woman plus funny. Sorta. I think she has good instincts and timing, but she won’t go ovaries to the wall like Poehler, Fey and Kaling. She never doesn’t look perfect.
The sad part is he may be right.
It’s really not funny anymore. I can’t imagine anyone else saying this and being in the race the next day. Can you imagine if Obama had said it?
There isn’t an airport in the world that can operate through 30" of snow in 24 hours. Even a Siberian airport where all of the planes are equipped with skis would have to shut down. Airports in Finland stay open because they just don’t get very much snow. This single snowstorm will drop more snow over 24 hours then…
I am guessing you have never lived in a city where it snows a lot. If there was a lot of snow still on the ground 2 days after the worst of the storm, you have a point. But you can’t critique a city’s snow removal capabilities on the day of the storm.
The Metro-NYC area has 4 times the population of Finland. That's just one city area. I'm sure there's a few smug people there, too. But not one reindeer. So, it ain't as easy as it might sound.
It’s about resources. It doesn’t make sense to spend a bunch of money on events that only happen once every couple of years. It’s cheaper to just shut the city down than to buy a bunch of equipment & hire an army of workers for just a few weeks out of the decade.
The logistics are different in New York. Most places that get a lot of snow can run a plow down the roadway to keep it clear. That is pretty quick, and can keep up with even heavy snowfall. In New York, there is nowhere for the snow to go on the roadside. They can’t just remove the snow from the roads, they have to…
NYC not in the Arctic Circle.
More people live in New York City than the entire country of Finland.
Except your environment typically has that much snow. NYC doesn’t. We normally get 1-2 feet a year. Not a day
That because there’s not much else to do in Finland. Chill.
it’s not feasible to maintain a fleet of snow plows that can plow a storm of this magnitude. You’d use it once every 50 years and it’d cost a fortune.
The roads are clear. The plows are going. Nature happens.
But in Finland you expect that much snow every year - everyone can drive like Ari Vatanen, winter tyres are compulsory, and there isn’t so much stuff to hit.