I’ll be calling it Überschadenfreude, for lack of a better word.
I’ll be calling it Überschadenfreude, for lack of a better word.
A lot of the fur industry doesn’t use the whole animal, in fact, many producers skin animals alive. On top of that enormous cruelty and unnecessary animal death, it is totally wasteful.
Here’s what I’ve gathered (and agree with):
What’s the confusion?
Most of the things I own didn’t involve an animal being killed though. And since I eat meat, do I then lose the right to object to any kind of infliction of suffering on animals? Can only vegans be opposed to Sea World or trophy hunting or people who abuse their animals? Where’s the line?
Nah. Not everyone can afford to be vegan in a healthy way and food is necessary for survival. Nobody needs a luxury fur. The only people I don’t judge at all for wearing fur are the people who hunt for themselves and use the pelts for warmth and shelter.
I like her and her brand of showladyship. She does not fuck around with an audience’s expectations. Wish she’d switch to fake fur though. It’s not like you can tell the difference.
The name might also be a bit of a clue. *sighing very loudly*
So...are you BonMorte’s new burner, or YMD adopting a dumbed-down affect returning from the grave to troll after letting the ruckus die down? It’s so hard to keep up with y’all.
I don’t think it’s bullshit at all. He feels like he is supposed to be a voice for them, and he feels personally responsible for that. If he gave his ticket to a black lives matter protestor, that wouldn’t be a person speaking on behalf of the victims. And it would be really crass for him to ask one of the sexual…
White tears?! Are you effing kidding? Maybe read up on the matter, which is definitely a huge problem in African American churches as well http://www.amazon.com/Sexual-Abuse-P…
No, that’s not what I said at all. I’m a supporter of black lives matter. Please refrain from strawman arguments. They are illogical and dishonest. I’m saying if you only have the ability to attend one and only one thing to help a social cause at a specific time frame, it is okay to prioritize on things like the…
only white people are victims of the catholic priests sexual abuse? huh, thats news to me
Part of the protest is the idea that the Academy includes a lot of people who greenlight movies and decide if there will be good roles for PoC actors.
Love what Will said. Diversity absolutely is our superpower! I’m perpetually confused about why an industry that is fueled by stories is content to ignore their diversity problem when they’ve clearly run out of stories to tell (see: every reboot and sequel that have come out in the last ten years). Diversity = more…
I don’t blame Mark Ruffalo for wanting to attend and for being happy Spotlight was recognized.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t Will and Jada also have production companies? Maybe they should put some money into this issue instead of just boycotting the Oscars. I mean, wasn’t Clooney just crucified around here for just talking and not doing?
Will put that so eloquently. And I love how there was never any question that he wouldn’t stand beside Jada. They are one cool couple.