It’s interesting how Sanders and Trump - a senator and billionaire mogul - can call themselves anti-establishment candidates and get away with it.
It’s interesting how Sanders and Trump - a senator and billionaire mogul - can call themselves anti-establishment candidates and get away with it.
He’s right that it doesn’t get more “establishment” than the HRC and, honestly, throughout its history, PP has been very much an “establishment” organization for both Republicans and Democrats (I mean George W. Bush’s grandfather was a major donor to PP at one point). The optics, however, are not great.
And taking all the time to man-splain to us how we are idiots (or low information voters - as I was called) if we don't 'feel the Bern'.
I find it interesting that “liberals” have such a hate for an “establishment” that has appointed two female SCOTUS justices, elected Obama, pushed through marriage equality, ect...ect..People act like the DNC snuck into their house in the middle of the night and killed their cats.
They comprise mostly of white liberal men. Maybe a very few white liberal women too, but a majority of them are white liberal men who condescend left and right to anyone who doesn’t pledge their utter allegiance to Bernie and blame any dissent on our vaginas.
There really are a lot of Bernie “bros” and that adds to my not fully explainable distrust of/hesitancy about Mr. Sanders. #misandry
PP is making the same calculation that female and minority democratic voters, who have so far failed to flock to Bernie in the same way white male liberals have, are making. Bernie is great, but they are banking their money on someone who can actually get things accomplished. This is a big country with increasingly…
You don’t think their endorsement of Clinton isn’t a response to his failure to vote on their defunding?
Okay, I’m fucking sick of this. The “Democratic Party establishment” is not a thing to be reflexively opposed. The Democratic Party establishment elected Barack Obama. It got Sotamayor and Kagan (KAGAN!) appointed. It promotes marriage equality, abortion rights, racial equality, feminism, and a social safety net.
UM, sure, but Hillary just said she would repeal the Hyde Amendment, which is sort of a big deal for women, anyone who cares about abortion rights and especially Planned Parenthood.
Omigawd enough with the Establishment whining awready. All he’s doing is sounding petulant about not getting the endorsement. Step up the game or step aside.
More like there’s a sub group of Bernie Bros who are incapable of handling even the slightest criticisms of Bernie and completely condescend to people who try to have an actual discussion about his stand.
Right? How is this decision to endorse her in any way a mystery, at all? I don’t get the headscratching that’s been going on here.
I’m not going to die on a hill to defend the HRC (it has some real problems), but framing PP as part of the establishment that he is fighting might be a breaking point for me. I don’t care if he thinks it’s unfair that they endorsed so early or how many connections he feels there are between these organizations and…
Probably because they don’t think Bernie can win the general election (which may or may not be true) and they think it’s critical to elect a Democrat as president to not fuck everything up for women’s health (definitely true).
That’s only her Senate record. She did amazing things for LGBT+ folks around the world (and at home, State staff adored her) while Sec of State. HRC sees international work as the next big frontier in gay rights. You don’t have to like HRC (or HRC) but this endorsement makes sense.
Based on their infographic, their early pick of Clinton seems pretty rooted in choosing a candidate who has, and will continue to, go to the mat for them. Even this week, Clinton said she’s in favor of repealing Hyde. That’s major.
I get what you’re saying but the PP link is factual, and not at all harsh in it’s assessment of Bernie. It basically says that Hillary introduces pro-woman legislation while Bernie is a staunch supporter of such legislation.
And here come the bernie bros breathing fire and scorching the earth in
Sanders is totally missing the mark when he further polarizes voters with this rhetoric which suggests to me an obtuse recklessness that I don’t want in any commander-in-chief. I’m being very picky this year, sorry.