A Small Turnip

They tried, last year. Octavia Spencer was supposed to do it, but there was a fight over who owned the rights, so it was dropped.

I hope they cast a badass lesbian as George. Because we all know George was a badass lesbian.

But Jada wasn’t even talking about his lack of nomination. She was talking about the continuation of exclusion of people of color. This lady is attempting to dismiss her very valid criticism by making it seem that it’s no more than a petty personal thing. Which is kind of despicable. “Oh, so you’re all made about pay

She kept working after she left Prince of Bel-Air, so when was she blacklisted? As for working with him, Alfonso Ribeiro (Carleton on Fresh Prince) said that it was difficult to work with her.

I think she would say anything to drag the Smiths. If her main concern is the boycott, why isn’t she calling out Spike Lee who is also calling for a boycott? Because she doesn’t bear a 20-year-old grudge against Spike Lee.

That part makes no sense though. On Friends they all banded together because that was an ensemble show and they should all be paid similarly. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air was obviously about Will Smith more than any of the other characters, so his deal is certainly going to be for more than hers.

That’s basically what production companies do - all of them, from Plan B to the Weinsteins. This isn’t specific to Will Smith but largely how the business is run.

I don’t know, the whole thing kind of pissed me off. They strike me as a very progressive couple. As far as the money, I was thinking that he was a very young man then, and we need to stop acting like stupidity once taints a person for all eternity.

sure I'm just saying to say the man can't act might be an overstatement

I really dislike this line of reasoning. Of course lack of representation of black people at the Oscars isn’t as important as black people being murdered by police officers in the street, but the lack of representation in Hollywood still matters. It’s all part of the same system. And where’s the line? There will

I haven’t seen it yet, because that’s totally a Netflix movie, but all the reviews seem to agree that he’s pretty good in an okay but kind of melodramatic, boring movie. So, he did a pretty good job, the movie doesn’t suck, but it’s not so great either.

Michael B. Jordan should have been nominated.

All fair points but smith was fucking great in six degrees of separation

The funny part is that Will hasn’t even said he’s boycotting, only Jada. (I mean, I’m guessing he probably will, but he hasn’t made any kind of a statement about it and Jada’s doesn’t mention him.)

If Will Smith wasn’t in contention for an award their boycott would probably not be as impactful. It actually makes MORE sense to me to boycott because you got snubbed

definite. I also love the classic “butthole,” we as a society don’t use it enough anymore.

Exactly :) also I had a feeling I spelled it wrong it’s Sean Penndejo. I love a good play on words.

In Mexico they started calling Sean Penn Sean Penndajo and I can not stop calling him that now.

It’s not irrational though. It’s Pink. She is that awesome.

My irrational love for Pink as a person (even though I don’t really care about her music) is enough for me to be Team Gaga.

I didn’t know a lot about Linda Perry except she was lead singer for 4 Non Blondes. Then I watched a Pink life story or some such and apparently Pink has a beef with Perry because Perry collaborated with Christina Aguilara on Beautiful. Now I see her beefing with Lady Gaga on Twitter. Drama follows this woman.