There's nothing ironic about this or what you said because it categorically isn't true on literally every level.
There's nothing ironic about this or what you said because it categorically isn't true on literally every level.
Lin’s a nice guy. I’m not. Fuck you very much, dumbass!
So first of all, you don’t know that. And second of all, are you really here dictating how someone lives out their own sexuality? Not a good look.
You can be over him whenever you wish. There’s no need for you to wait for everyone else. Those of us who are fans are perfectly capable of continuing to be fans without your help.
Why do you think LMM is a closet case ? If you have an actual reason for saying so, why don’t you have the courage to say it ?
I’ll go even further and suggest we’d all be a lot better off if we just thought for ourselves once in a while, instead of trying to figure out what a bunch of dead guys would have thought.
This is what I don’t get. Why do they think he was jailed or assassinated? Because he was a centrist darling of the establishment?
J.F.C.! Have we really forgotten about the entire Civil Rights movement and everything that Dr. King believed in and ultimately gave his life for in only 1 generation?
We used to stock that book when I worked at Borders- but in African-American History, not picture books, under their non- censorship policy. One clerk used to reshelve it in children’s because ‘I don’t care, it’s a good story and I grew up with it and I’m not a racist!’.
This. This is a completely age appropriate way for this book to discuss the complexities and tragedies of that era.
House slaves and field slaves were practically two different strata of society within the slave class. The slaves that would be concerned with baking cakes for their owners weren’t typically the same slaves that were working the fields.
My dad keeps his old copy locked away as an heirloom, not because he likes the book, but because it’s an interesting historical item and he likes being reminded of just how far we’ve come as a country and how far we have to go. I didn’t see it until I was 18, about four years ago, and before that I was unaware of the…
And in this case, I mean “White” as a mindset more than as a descriptor of the person doing the writing of that story.
I really think the illustrator was a terrible match for this book. The cutesy, cartoony, Disney-esque style makes it seem far too cheerful. Even if the text did a decent job trying to address the complexity of the issue, (though from a scan of reviews, it does’t-I’d love to find a full version of the text somewhere),…
Anyone else want to read this book just to see how awful it really is for themselves?
The book is “pink and say”. We read it in 3rd grade and it’s haunted me since.
Perhaps the only way to do it justice is to make it a young adult novel, told from the perspective of the daughter, maybe after the father escapes to freedom.
I don’t think this book is aimed at toddlers. It seems more the 5-8 year old demographic, which is actually a pretty good time to begin exploring historical complexity. I vividly remember my 2nd grade teacher reading the class a book about the Civil War in which two Union soldiers (one white, one black) are captured…
I went with my brother. We got there early, had some bad ass seats. I saw a dude with his date come in late. They were about to split up. My bro and I got up and gave them our seats.....because why not?