A Small Turnip

Am also pleased to announce I have just figured out the formatting tools for commenting. Watch out world!

Yes just. I move at my own pace.

Beautiful girl. Great actor.

That day will never come. Narcissistic sociopaths like him go their whole lives without that realization. If he were capable of having a revelatory moment of wrongdoing, he wouldn’t have done the things he did. I have known people like this. There’s something broken in their brains and the collateral damage is HUGE,

You know how much Broadway tix are these days? I am non confrontational, but that is a lot of cash & I wouldn’t want my enjoyment spoilt.

I just wish she would R.E.S.P.E.C.T the rules? Is it too much to ask for a little respect? Just a little bit?

How bizarre. I don’t worship people - their talents, maybe- but not them.

Mother Teresa was borderline evil though. She just had a very good PR machine

Right? This could be spun very positively for her.

That’s some next level conflict avoidance right there. Well done.

Knowing how seriously Colombia and Venezuela take these things, it’s like taking away someone’s gold medal at the Olympics, or someone’s Oscar.

I hate to say this, but if it had been planned, they would have had a closeup of her with tears in her eyes. Instead they kept the camera off of her, which was the least they could do considering the situation.

this makes me so uncomfortable to hear about, i cannot even watch the video. i’m cringing so much.

I’m surprise people even understood what he was saying. His voice is just. I. I just can’t with him. I don’t see his appeal. My husband loves him. We live in the Metro area of Atlanta and he wanted to go to the taping of Family Feud. I really didn’t want to go, but he really wanted to, so I got tickets for the whole

That’s odd that you avoid topical steroid creams after seeing what prolonged use can do to skin, but continue to use tanning beds knowing what their prolonged use can do to skin/health…I assume you’ve been able to speak to a dermatologist about this, but it would definitely be worth your time if you can afford it. I

Act like a lady, completely fuck up like a man.

Just get a SAD light therapy box, pal. Alaska Northern Lights. Mine is fab.

What about a Jean Simmons sex tape?

There’s working a terrible B-movie with shit plot and an idiot director cuz you know you’re gonna get paid and your rent’s due, and working what you know is a pure propaganda puff piece for a corrupt organization. One is “I gotta get paid, and it sucks” and the other is “I wanna get paid, morals be damned”. Tim Roth

Why would you add pepper to chocolate? What crazy world am I living in?

See, I’m not a huge fan of dark chocolate so I probably wasn’t going to like it anyway. HOWEVER, it was free which usually equals delicious for me and even then...I wonder what “true” “bean-to-bar” (sounds like a move you can try with your vibrator) chocolate tastes like...seems like fancy=bitter as fuck.