A Small Turnip

I watched the Star Wars prequels for the first time last month and loved them! I thought they were masterpieces, even Phantom Menace. But, then, I’m not much of a Star Wars fan so I didn’t have any preconceived notions or demands going in—I was just sick and looking for something to binge on for a couple of days.

Not only this, but the inquiry will also involve direct consultations with the families of the murdered and missing women;

And off the reserves and so on. Just read his other posts. He’s here mainly to say “what about the men?” and to apparently blame the issue of the murders of First Nations women on the First Nations peoples.

Alcohol and drug addiction are both serious issues on a lot of different reservations.

Jobs take care of one issue. There are so many other things that need to be done, too.

Definitely a good first step, showing that the PM actually cares. Because before it literally just felt like no one did, and it breeds that sort of contemptuous energy you described. Gotta make change to change, right? It’s gonna be a long, hard one but I think it can be done (or at least lessened....and even lessened

“I was just as unaware that Canada had Aboriginals”


I used to make an excellent scratch pie dough — got the recipe from mom of course. But scratch pie dough went the way of the dinosaur when Pillsbury came out with theirs. It’s so close to scratch, the extra effort of making scratch isn’t worth it. My mom and my mother-in-law, who were both farm girls, also jumped ship

You’re making me misty just reading this. I want to see Hamilton so friggin badly!

“Kim is upset because Kristen’s missing brother is taking away from her son’s birth,”

Radar Online is such a Kardashian hate fest. I saw a ridiculous article this morning there too. Look I don’t like Kim either but if “North is jealous of Saint already” then big fucking deal. SHE’S A TODDLER! My toddler gets jealous if I’m paying more attention to our cats. It has nothing to do with anyone’s parenting.

I’m so sorry to be late to the party, but I HAVE to get this off of my chest. I feel as if I’ve been harboring this terrible secret..but I really enjoyed and laughed and cried a little during Blended, with Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore.

He makes me want to practice everything more. Even if I’m still shitty at whatever it is. I think Lin-Manuel Miranda is my new favorite human.

Alien Resurrection. I thought the Ripley/alien hybrid and alien queen with human DNA were interesting ideas and I’ll watch Winona or Ron Perlman in anything. Also Michael Wincott was hot!

Wait wasn’t that Lin-Manuel guy the crazy roommate of House’s when he was in the asylum? I had no idea he was actually “someone.”

A very thoughtful comment. I wish I could give you more stars!

Lots of practice. He literally explained on a podcast that he’s spent years doing this and it’s the only way you can make your mind improve in that manner.

For a while I thought he was Sondheim reincarnated but we might have to change our thoughts on how reincarnation happens since Sondheim is still alive.

Probably easier to love life when you’re that brilliant, tbh.