Someone get Jason Derulo a drink. He’s so thirsty I’m afraid he’ll die.
Someone get Jason Derulo a drink. He’s so thirsty I’m afraid he’ll die.
How has this not been in my life before now? Jesus, is Lin Manuel Miranda trying to make me fall in love with him? His freestyle with Jimmy Fallon is like, the most enthusiastic thing ever and I love people who are clearly overly excited about their life.
Holy fuckballs THAT FREESTYLE. How does he do that? How does he DO that?
Lin-Manuel Miranda is just absurdly talented. I sat behind Jennifer Lawrence at Hamilton and it was the best day of my life.
There’s something kind of beautiful in giving your kid a name that’s never been used before, that’s as clean and un-fingermarked as a new piece of paper.
C’mon people, the British name their sons St. John (Sinjin) all the damn time.
Fun fact: Lin Manuel Miranda’s mother was my therapist many many years ago. She was great.
I’m pretty sure that as nervous as I get in front of an audience, if I were famous I’d probably end up swinging from a street lamp by my own intestines inside of a week for accidentally phrasing something in a way that could be interpreted unfavorably.
Amen. He worded something poorly, but the fact is that this appears from trailers to very likely be the Star Wars movie most driven by stories about women. Call me old-fashioned, but I still think actions matter more than words.
jj Abrams will always get a couple spare points from me for Undercovers. Was it good? No, not really, but at least he used his clout as a producer to try.
I give a lot of leeway to stuff said on press junkets, because that shit is absolutely mind numbing. You either say the same thing 500 times till you go insane, or you try to come up with real answers or funny answers or just anything different and eventually you mess up.
I love you for saying this.
Seriously, though. I was in a public space yesterday and thought I heard someone listening to “Take A Break”, and I desperately wanted to hop up and yell, “WHO IS LISTENING TO HAMILTON? WOULD YOU LIKE TO TALK ABOUT ELIZA ‘BADASS’ SCHUYLER? I am here for you!”
Ha! That’s awesome. That story has always stuck in my head for some reason. Maybe because you described it well but I can always almost perfectly picture his sad little whomp whomp face as he says it. I’ve even told that story to people in real life when someone brings him up, lol. No one is ever surprised.
Ha! That was me! I'm glad I scrolled down cause I almost posted it again.
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