A Small Turnip

I definitely have 50% less empathy for the family because of that guy.

I’m sure the family is being investigated. A French Muslim commenter in the thread above says the aunt has ties to some very extremist groups (not terrorist organizations per se, but homophobic,misogynist type groups). Hopefully she cuts ties with them & raises a happy, healthy little girl.

Emergency placements are not with family members. Specific placements take 1-3 days for background checks to be run. Usually family or friends aren't already a part of the foster care program. If it's a family member it is considered kinship care in my state but background checks still have to be run.

Yeah, I know what you mean. The columbine shooters’ parents came under so much attack after the massacre. Susan Klebold wrote this piece for O magazine and basically tried to explain how she will never know why her son did what he did:…

Yeah quite often it seems family of mass murderers, or serial killers kind of get left out of public sympathy and I understand people who say they care more about the families of the victims etc because obviously they have had their lives turned upside down, but unless the extended family of the murderer was somehow

The sister and her husband seem like good people but I wonder who’s decision was it to hire their Sandy Hook denying, having a beard being made fun of as the rationale for murder, they want to take all the guns away, crazy pants lawyer of theirs? I question the character of whoever hired that nutbag.

Absolutely they are. I feel as bad for the loved ones of the killers in these situations (assuming of course they had nothing to do with it) as anybody else in that first circle of hurt. There was a shooting in my community a couple years ago and the father of one of the victims and th father of the killer got

The grandmother was doxxed and other family members were also publicly outed as the terrorists. So that was a whole mess of safety issues. Also, with the parents dead there are concerns of legal custodianship. I assume the parents did not write up guardianship paperwork for grandma. With this terrible crime, child

As far as I know orphaned children always stay with CPS until the family has proven that they are capable of caring for them.

The grandmother and baby were at the couple’s home—and that home was a crime scene—I think until law enforcement knew exactly what was happening, they followed procedure and brought in protective services. I saw someone say somewhere that their interviews of the family ran through Friday so the earliest they could get

At six months old she wont be all ‘where’s mom and dad and why am I here?’ - she’ll just be hungry and tired and want to play and want someone to hold her. Babies recognise their parents but I know with mine, at six months they just saw everyone who held them as a potential breastfeeder.

Yep. When my sister died, leaving my nephew behind, we had to go through the court system because they wanted to make sure we were suitable enough to raise him. I couldn’t just take him and skidaddle. There was paperwork and going through judges. It was pain but I can see why they did it.

The family is most likely innocent. That said, the shooters seemed as normal and well adjusted as the family. It’s for this reason they probably won’t be cleared for a few weeks.

Probably because this happened only a few days ago and the investigation into every single person who ever so much as breathed near this couple isn’t over.

The relatives have to be cleared as a good place for the kid. This includes making the house and the family are a safe place. It’s an expediated process but it still has to be done.

Considering that the news media doxxed the grandmother, and also wrongly claimed some other dude was one shooter’s brother, it may very well be for her safety right now. I can absolutely see some nut job carrying a retaliatory attack out on the infant/family.

I hope this isn’t the case, but I wonder if there were initial concerns for the safety of the child - not from her relatives, but from others who are angry about what her parents did.

I guess they wanted to clear that the family wasn’t involved in any way, despite their emphatic denouncement of the couple’s actions. I first wrote I’m glad she’s going to family too....but re reading I realize I can only hope she does. So sad.

I feel terrible for this family. They are victims in this too, and seem just as dumbfounded and terrified as everyone else. I hope they can provide her with a stable home. This is such an awful situation all around.