A Small Turnip

I am always telling myself stories in my head. Even as a child, I was telling myself stories. What helped is time and just sitting there to write. Forcing myself to do it and keep following the line of the story in my head.

I just finished my novel for NaNoWriMo! This is the second novel I have written. I’m going to go write Jessica Jones to celebrate!

That shot of the reporter knocking on the guy’s door for a comment while the cameraperson waits on the sidewalk behind a tree says it all. That’s a very brave journalist, and a very dangerous man.

Not stand behind bullet-proof glass...

From the perspective of the killer—and those who share his beliefs about saving “babies”—yes.

Commenting on the release of her husband, Brown said, “It scares me. It scares me for this community. Because now a multiple felon is on the streets, thinking I can get away with murder.”

It is infruiating. I can’t speak for Canada or Mexico but in the US It does vary from state to state with a few states serving as good role models. A. few years ago a man in MA got 55 years for ongoing abuse and torture of a dog. Every minute he spends in jail is deserved. However in some states especially ones that

That place is like some shit out of a horror movie and I wouldn’t want to step foot on the property, let alone go inside the house.

I think this clinic didn’t even provide abortions, which makes the whole thing even worse.

I think this guy can be mentally ill and a moster at the same time.

Not surrender?

Let’s not focus on this asshole. Instead, let’s focus on Officer Garrett Swasey who was killed in the attack. He was a pro-life pastor who didn’t let his beliefs get in the way of heroically giving his life to protect people he didn’t agree with politically. I think he’s a great example of what a police officer should

People who shoot dogs should be on some kind of list.

UAF is a UK group. So it’s not likely he’ll offer a supporting link for his deflection.

Lol. Can’t tell if u are trolling but in Colorado UAF just means unaffiliated. So no party...

“Um, he is registered as UAF (United Against Fascism) for political party, and identified as female as well (in the police report).”

Don’t feel bad! I met some people who for real didn’t know that watermelon was part of the stereotype, too. I think Southerners are just more aware of it (possibly because A) those are all southern BBQ foods and B) because we’re more racist here :( )

Sometimes, it truly is a stupid racial thing (and being FOX, I wouldn’t have been surprised) though sometimes it is a “oops, didn’t think about it in that context,” which is still a privilege issue.

Example: We went to a grocery store that is across from both a Houlihan’s and a Buffalo Wild Wings. We went grocery

... although I do think his question was kind of a weird nonsensical non-sequitur.

OK. I’ll bite. What’s offensive about asking if she makes Kool-Aid?Having grown up in a place in time in which it was the default kids’ drink (soda was expensive and just for block parties and maybe when you went out to eat), I just thought it was nasty cheap crap that you drank at camp.