A Small Turnip

Yes. Placenta preevia I think.

Yeah, she's got that placenta thing where it embeds itself and doesn't just release like it's supposed to. It's really dangerous. Plus childbirth IS painful. She's allowed to say so.

Drowning us in wave after wave of vinegar and water.

Actually, I think she had a pretty hard birth experience. Didn’t she nearly bleed out or something? She’s said she was really fearful of pregnancy the second time because the first nearly killed her.

The douchepocalypse™.

And Matt Lauer

If only Sean Penn was there too, we’d get the Holy Trinity of Douchery

You should try changing the channel. That’s what I do.

Then again, flulike symptoms — headache, night sweats — can occur during seroconversion, which occurs shortly after infection. You’re right, too, though.

Yes. Being HIV+ doesn’t make him an asshole. He’s an asshole because he’s always been an asshole.

I absolutely agree, but I suspect that was not the case for Charlie Sheen and it’s a lifestyle he’s glorified his whole career.

Bree Olson has said that she didn’t know. He’s been merrily treating his sexual partners like shit for the last... well, forever really. His fuckboy fans have been loving him partly because of how misogynistic his antics have been. Is it possible for him to have been so vile and venomous towards his past and present

Just a reminder that Sheen has shown zero respect and a whole lot of cruelty towards women in the past. I hope he is telling the truth about being open and honest with his sexual pertners, but I cannot help having heavy doubts.…

Unprotected sex is reckless and stupid. Former Planned Parenthood volunteer here- many, many people get a STI/HIV from a “monogamous” partner. You can’t trust ANYONE.

I mean, I’d like to think that he’s telling the truth about not neglecting to tell his partners about his HIV status, but given that he trotted out the same line about the women just trying to take his money when he was asked about the numerous domestic violence cases he’s been involved in (including the ones he pled

of course he’s going to come out and play the model citizen and the victim now that he is in a compromised position, but i hope that he will use this to a positive, constructive end: nobody thinks it’ll happen to them, but all it takes is once.

“The emotional effects of his diagnosis may help explain some of his behavior over the past two years”

Seriously could someone check on Lindsay Lohan’s well being?

I love that they chose the emoji which, more often than not, is used as a thinly-veiled “Fuck Yourself.”

You had me at underwear worn by Queen Victoria’s mother.