A Small Turnip

I think each application lasts a while. Also yes, they’re not visible all the time, so what they can do is film all the tattoo-showing shots for the near future at once, then do everything else where she’s covered by clothing.

No, it’s referring to levels of the virus not being detectable in the body due to anti viral therapy. Not like denying HIV exists

Yes, please. Social media, especially twitter, elevates everything into a super important crisis that will bring about the end of Western Civilization. Most of these scandals are just one-day stories that blow over fairly quickly.

I just like the phrase “getting in trouble with the internet”. Like you’re 12 and the internet summons you to its office to discuss the gym class incident and Tina Fey all tears up the slip and says “NOOO!”

Re: Tina Fey

I'm partial to the poop and the heart-eye kitty.

We had to shred our cheese uphills! Both ways!

I’m happy about this because it’s funny when old people get mad.

This adds yet another level to the straight vs. curly, DDDs vs. small Cs, 5’2” vs. 5’9” greener grass phenomenon.

He couldn’t book Lauer for an announcement like that. He’d *maybe* get cover of people.

especially if he didn't disclose his status to partners as the blinds suggest.

I wouldn’t vote for them, but I would make popcorn for the debates

He’s going to solve America’s drug problem by consuming all the drugs. All of the drugs.

When it moves into hate speech, yeah - I do want the police and courts involved.

Pretty sure if someone is denying services to people based on their race or religion that they should be arrested. There are laws against that for a reason.

The majority of us folks in the UK treat people like this idiot with disdain and scathing sarcasm, as you will no doubt have seen from the reviews of the business’s Facebook page.

but, she is denying service to a group of people based on race and religion. she isn’t just an idiot that put a stupid, racist post on her facebook. she is a business owner discriminating. i think that is illegal. . it would be like advertising for an apartment (as an example)and saying “no muslims allowed”. that is

If it’s illegal for a business to discriminate or refuse service on the basis of race or religion, and she was ADVERTISING her intent to do just that...wouldn’t that be the reason behind arresting her?

It’s only socially acceptable among xenophobic twats and racists, I promise. The rest of us are appalled.

Thrown in jail? For racial discrimination? Hell yes.