I guess jet fuel CAN melt steel beams. ; (
I guess jet fuel CAN melt steel beams. ; (
jmsteve just explained it to me in the grays.
I should have done that THIS Halloween. In the 3rd grad I went as Yoda. Got made fun of a lot after that. I realize now what a great thing it was to be Yoda. Yoda I am.
I’m a nobody and I normally hate seeing people who I know (that know me) on the street. Couldn’t imagine being famous and having to deal with it everyday, all day. It’s probably great for a little while and then absolutely treacherous after that.
Recently saw an interview with Kit Harrington (Jon Snow, Game of Thrones) who said he basically looks at his job of being on set and acting as something he’d do for free because he loves it, and he gets paid as compensation for what happens to his life because he’s famous.
And all the memorizing of their lines, sometimes after they’ve gotten home at night after a long day. The pressure of not fucking up scenes because you can’t remember your lines would be enough to make me forget them every time.
It seems that in the SW universe (at least in the movies) royal titles are like political titles, like Queen Amidala was an elected official who became Senator Amidala. It kind of makes sense that Leia would take on a different title when she moved from a political/espionage role to a military role.
I feel your pain. All the other girls at my daycare got to be the yellow or pink power ranger, like there were at least three pink rangers and two yellow rangers. The one time I asked to be the pink ranger, the other girls elected me the brown (with a specific reference to the color of poo) ranger and told me my…
Being a well-paid working actor seems GREAT.
That’s only true if you can become a superstar and earn millions of dollars. The vast majority of actors have to keep working to earn a living.
“Basically, being a famous actor seems really terrible, unless you’re one of the lucky character actors who no one wants to fuck and therefore the media doesn’t pay attention to.”
Yes, and the thing is that the world has many people who are equally if not more privileged than famous performers (I mean, the ones who didn’t already come from billionaire families themselves) who don’t have to deal with the shitty sides of personal fame at all. Maybe people know the name of the corporation to which…
Yup. I used to work at a preschool in West Hollywood and one of the kids who attended the summer camp has a mom on tv. My boss had to protect the kids from the paparazzi who were trying so hard to get photos that they shoved some kids out of the way and when she yelled at them, they called her a whole slew of…
You make a good point. Really, in the Star Wars universe, her becoming a general is no big deal at all. Female leaders are a norm.
For these reasons, I’ve always thought Frances McDormand probably has a pretty great life: she’s EXTREMELY talented and respected, can pretty much pick any role she wants and will likely receive awards/accolades for it, but she’s not exactly a household name and likely doesn’t receive the same level of paparazzi…
I think it's cool that she's called General as it makes sense that she would get promoted and move up and all that. She was commanding armies in the originals. I think it's silly to have her offended by being called Princess. It should just be something that she also is, not something that has negative connotations.…
I’m sure you’re right. Like, it would be pretty cool to be John C. Reilly or Hank Azaria or John Goodman. You’re recognizable, sure. And probably pretty rich, but TMZ does not want to talk to you.
I would not be surprised if this was the truth (her never getting asked out). I saw something similar with a drop dead gorgeous friend of mine. Every nice guy would never approach her because they just assumed she was out of their league, while the only people to ever approach were jackasses who thought they were…
No joke, I jumped on Fandango on a lark like 5 minutes before the tickets were announced on sale, and snagged mine for the first show! My Star Wars obsessed boyfriend was NOT as appreciative as he should have been.
Fuck ‘em. Fuck anybody who thinks Star Wars is “theirs.”