A Small Turnip

Okay, in fairness to GOOP, I subscribe to the newsletter and when she sent the email out announcing her divorce (I absolutely refuse to refer to it as a you-know-what) I clicked the link to get on her site and I not only couldn’t get the damn page to load, but my goddamn browser froze up and I had to restart it. So in

The older I get the more I wanted to become another ex Mrs. Malcolm.

I want to give Gwyneth a chance but in my head she’s always like

Well, it kind of did... not the way she thinks it did, but it’s entered our vocabulary for at least the next few years. I mean, we’ll be talking about it for longer than the blue/black vs white/gold thing. So, maybe we should give her this one? *euuughhh* I just cringed writing that.

You know, not too long ago he seemed really personable, likeable, fun, sharp, and generally like a pretty good guy. Was it an act? Is this an act? What even is reality, I’m disappointed in these developments.

As much as I love the Hawkeye/Kate Bishop comics, Marvel definitely did something right by not giving Jeremy Renner his own movie.

“We build them up so we can tear them down.” - Jezebel

Do you get excited when you finally figure out how you ended up with the mystery bruise? I sometimes do.

Dude, I’ve fallen off curbs twice in the last SIX MONTHS. Wearing flat shoes!! If I had to wear heels like she does, I’d have no unbruised skin left.

When are we going to stop talking about J Law’s perceived clumsiness and start talking about her casual love of the sauce at fancy events?

I have managed to concuss myself by hitting my head as I got out of a car - twice. I have no trouble believing someone could fall as much as she does, especially in giant gowns with high heels.

I’m a total klutz myself & I’m constantly tripping & falling. My expert opinion is that all her falls have been legit. She may exaggerate them a bit, because if you’re gonna fall, might as well have fun with it. Otherwise it’s just fucking embarrassing.

Anne Hathaway’s brand of try-hard makes every awkward girl see her as a kindred spirit. She means so well, and just doesn’t understand why it isn’t working. Don’t we all, Anne, don’t we all.

Oh, for frack’s sake, if I had to wear the beautiful nonsense that women have to wear to these sorts of shindigs, I’d be falling down all the damn time, too. Like this adorable baby penguin. (I would probably not be this adorable.)

Once you have fallen, you are down forever. We’ll just patiently wait for the next 5-10 minutes until a new star rises to the top.

As someone who has fallen off a sidewalk on more than one occasion, I feel her.

Yeah I get the impression that in Hollywood, choosing to wear flats in the name of comfort is pretty much the same as showing up in sweats.

So wait, where are we. Do we hate JLaw now? Does that mean we can love Anne Hathaway again? There can only be one.

I’m 29 and I wore heels for the first time ever recently. They were super comfortable and only 2 and half inches tall, and I *still* felt like a baby giraffe all night. I know practice counts for a lot, but even with years of experience I’m surprised more women don’t eat it walking into awards shows and premieres.

As a full time klutz, it’s hard enough having to watch your every step, and try and laugh it off infront of everyone. Now we have men critiquing us for not being graceful enough? C’mon bro. You try walking a red carpet in a big ass dress with heavy heels on and bright lights flashing constantly at you. Pssh