A Small Turnip

The historical context of blackface involves some pretty awful, subjugative stuff (minstrel shows in particular). Colored contacts and wigs don’t have the same implications.

I think that the issue here (at least my guess) is that if you’re not black, it’s hard to really fully grasp the difference between a white person painting their face darker to appear like a darker-skinned person for Halloween (assuming this is in a non-mocking way, obviously) and a black person putting on white face

In other words, there’s nothing intrinsically wrong with changing your skin color for a costume (e.g. fantasy cosplay), it’s a very specific symbolism that raises issues, and until that collective memory fades, you’re going to be evoking a lot of painful responses from those around you.

A basic high school knowledge of us history should be enough to answer this question and if not then there are like 19999bafuckingjillion articles online fully explaining why it’s not okay. If you don’t know by now then you’re just being willfully ignorant.

Hold on, you agree that black face is wrong but you’re afraid to do black face because you’re afraid ‘idiots’ will call you racist?

Because of the history associated with it. Here, check this out:

Since I’m seeing red, I’ll have David Dennis of The Guardian explain:

Because of the history of blackface. It’s original purpose was racist. Look up the history of blackface and minstrel shows.

So many grain silos.

I hope the GOP candidates and FOX go at it again. It brings light and joy to my grey, desiccated heart.

Don’t blame the food, blame the cooks. As Mom always said, some people can fuck up a wet dream.

My Mom used to make that crap in the 60s and 70s. I’d like some now.

Thank you. I was starting to wonder if I had turned into a total crazy person about tuna noodle casserole! I think it’s because I didn’t grow up with it; it’s something I learned to cook as an adult, so I’ve only ever had it made to my own taste, and no one else’s.

I love (truly) that you have been a staunch defender of tuna casserole throughout this comment thread. I also like it...not as much as you might, likely, but it is good comfort food. = )

It’s actually pretty good! The potato chips just go on the top for crunch, in lieu of bread crumbs. I mean, considering that tuna casserole is just tuna, noodles, peas, and a bechamel sauce topped with bread crumbs, how can it really be bad?

I wouldn’t consider it a special dinner, but a tuna casserole can be damned good.

When I lived in Denmark I got addicted to a thing there called Salat pizza. Kebab meat and salad on a pizza with some insanely delicious sauce. I still think about it all the time. It was so much more unhealthy than it looks.

It’s not the most damaging double standard out there, but it is supremely annoying.

It's delicious comfort food!

Not over any populated areas, though it was visible from many cities (not only a night shot, but at an hour when a great many people would be out and about, rather than oh-dark-thirty — obviously they wanted publicity).