A Small Turnip


Think any of the Kardashians have read The Great Gatsby?

Exactly, I said this in my own comment but call it “1920’s themed” and stop there.

We get those books! They’re great! Not Your Typical Dragon is the best ever.

Boost. Dolly is the best!

I so wish I had the power to ungray you!

Trolling is gross.

Say what you want about Celine’s sappiness and wackiness. Girl can truly SING.

Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad

I am so fragile in the I really need to be careful what music I listen to on my commute.

We all know it’s Shefani.

She’s gross because she has moles?

New GoldenMama account?

Is it wrong that I kind of support Blake/Gwen (I refuse to use goofy portmanteaus)?

If Blake and Gwen are happy in the moment, good for them. But, really... Gwake? Gwelton sounds so much better.

Just posting to make everyone aware that Dolly Parton’s charity is an organization ( where they provide free books to any child who asks, one book a month from birth to age five. It’s the best shit ever.

As someone who nearly cried* the other day when I got to work and briefly though I’d left my delicious coffee at home, I felt the same way when I read that tweet was from that asshole. I file it to “broken clock”.

What does that have to do with anything? She's an A list celebrity who is famous because SHE IS AN ATHLETE. Not famous because she is a great beauty. It's her skill at beating the fuck out of people that makes her a celebrity, not her skin. Do you think that all famous people should have medical interventions to make

I have 18 moles just on my left arm! I’ve only ever had one mole removed (it wasn’t malignant, it was just in an awkward-ass position*). It was a quick cut with a scalpel and then cauterisation. The mole was about the diameter of the head of a Q-tip. I took great care not to knock the wound while it was healing, and I

She's an athlete, not a super model.