A Small Turnip

I really don’t understand the obsession that Jezebel and some of its readers have with hating on Taylor Swift. I don’t see why it’s her fault that Jezebel and TMZ and other media outlets decide to report BREAKING NEWS whenever she breathes.

I worked a job similar to the Twitter team that would have done this. As commenters have pointed out, if King tweeted full contact information in the emails that was not otherwise publicly available, this is considered a privacy violation. A Trust & Safety agent would have to take immediate action. Phone numbers

Hudson’s Bay Company blankets have been around since the early days of the fur trade, and are either beloved by Canadians as iconic of our nation’s roots or reviled as a symbol of colonialism - but this Pendleton company has definitely latched onto them. It’s kind of hilarious that an American company can blithely

Yeah, IDK what a Pendleton is, but that’s an HBC blanket.

Wait I thought it was Hudson’s Bay Company! I guess it’s not a Canadian account though...

The woman’s name and phone number were visible in his original post, and I think that’s why they made him take it down.

Neither do I. Wanna go get a bagel or something?

exactly! Like it’s a given that we know all the surrounding backstory... but I don’t

This is what I wanted to know. How did Lemon “handle his story”? What story? His life story? Did he appear with Lemon to talk about Lt. Glini?

Pendleton? Isn’t that a Bay blanket?

Hold up. So racism trumps an otherwise anti-police website like infowars?

yeah I’m super confused. Especially by the tweet, because we aren’t given back story on their relationship and why he would never appear with Lemon.

I agree I wish that this article was more about that and less “this guy said this about this guy on twitter and now he’s not allowed to tweet”. I’m confused also because it doesn’t say anywhere that shaun king had a bad exchange at some point with Don Lemon but the tweet makes it sound like he has in the past.

He tweeted out the email sender’s info. It wasn’t blocked like it’s shown here.

Yeah, I feel like I’m missing background knowledge or something, I’m failing to connect the dots. How did Don Lemon handle Shaun King’s story? Is it that he continued to criticise BLM even after King debunked the whole thing, or did he address King specifically somehow?

He didn't blur out the CNN staffers information.

Within hours, King says, he was told to remove the posts on both platforms or risk frozen accounts, and he obliged

I think I'm more confused than before I read the article. I understand the situation less. Who are all these assholes? And why is CNN, which I thought was a news provider, engaging in a Twitter feud with some rando? What is going on?!?!?!?!

Well, he is a rapper. Rhyme and meter are kinda his things.

Some of em, maybe, but you don’t think Kloss or Gomez would throw down for her? I really don’t think I agree.