A Small Turnip

Oh, it isn’t hard to besmirch Scientology, it actually besmirches itself (love love love that word) on a daily basis. :)

Watch her reality TV show. Nothing but laughs. Hilarious family.

Read the book. She's a really good writer. I am really glad my anti-scientology frenzy made me break my "no biography until they've been dead for 10 years" rule.

I am only a few chapters in and the book is engrossing legitimately witty as hell. I haven’t even read any Tom Cruise or JLo stuff yet. She’s still camping out at big Blue hustling to pay off her freeloader tab.

friends who hung out with him in the late ‘80’s said he was always very high energy, always very eager to learn new things or try new things, always active - but not reflective. Very in the moment, which can seem childish the older we get, especially if Scientology/Miscaviage then builds an entire world around you, so

I would/do enjoy playing hide and go seek as an adult, as well as other fun things like capture the flag, sardines, zombie, prison break, etc. But I don’t command or force others to play, and generally if I’m planning active games I warn my guests so they’re not wearing inappropriate clothing. And if no one is

This isn’t just one weird moment, though. That’s why Katie left and why she’s tried to keep Suri away from all this. Because it’s batshit crazy.

I think she was one of those people who were brought up as Scientologists and then when they become a fully realized adult think, “WTF is this? These people are crazy!” and hightail it out of there. If a certain religion is part of your culture as you grow up, you tend to question it less because others in the faith

Rob Lowe said he was “calculating” and “bloodless” when he worked with him on The Outsiders. I think he was 21 or so then, so he was definitely weird even before the whole Scientology thing.

Yeah they’ve been friends forever. If I’m not mistaken Remini was in the car with Lopez when she got into a car accident a couple of years ago.

In fairness, you could walk in any number of random conversations between me and our children, and they would seem insane/bad/horrible out of context.

To be fair, she was only in the Sea Org for a short while and it sounded like her mom bailed her out before she had to go to the RPF (where shit gets real bad) and celebrities always have a cushier time than everyone else. This was never going to have the same horror stories. They definitely could have talked more

His first wife, Mimi Rogers, converted him. I can’t believe I know this.

I seem to recall that he was in a Jesuit monastery at some point. So maybe he’s a person desperately searching for something to believe in.

Get your self on the hard copy and digital reserves list, girl! (And then take yourself off all of them once you've borrowed it.)

I think a lot of celebrities’ development essentially stops at the point when they became rich and famous. Someone who was a working character actor until their fifties (say, James Cromwell) before becoming well known is probably going to be an average human being, but someone like Cruise is frozen in his late teens.

Oh, absolutely not. Her family wasn’t wealthy, her divorced mother’s boyfriend left after the birth of their daughter (Remini’s half-sister.) As teens, Remini and her sister worked in the nightmarish Sea Org, and had take other jobs to pay for the courses. It wasn’t until she started getting more work as an actress

He sounds like he’s Michael Jackson.

Didn’t they recruit him in his early 20s? If he went from high school to Hollywood to Scientology, he might not have had much opportunity or reason to develop an adult emotional life.

He sounds emotionally stunted. I wonder if he was like that pre-Scientology.