A Small Turnip

It’s about violating a person’s privacy and getting away with it. I assume it has little to do with the actual content of the photos.

Me too. I hope he's sick with anxiety.

I remember that. I don’t think I was commenting on Jez yet, but I was reading, and it still makes me sick and furious to think about. Their whole discussion about how the 13-year-old was clearly to blame for her own rape... jesus fucking christ.

Yeah. Here is hoping his wife and boss both see the video by the end of the weekend. Bonus points if he was using a work phone to take the video.

Can you imagine what else is on his phone? His laptop? He probably tells himself it’s totally harmless and “not real life.”

I mean it was originally referred to as having “drug-fueled sex” (since edited to read “unlawful sex”) rather than, ya know, “raping” in this very article, so I’m not sure that we’ve some all that far, sadly.

My hope is that his wife sees it and he catches HELL for it.

There is no legal ramification anyway. Him filming them in public is completely legal, creepy or not.

My anxiety is way too high today to watch the video. Fuck that guy. I hope he gets doxxed, sorry not sorry.

We need to hold his feet to the fire, but Jezebel can’t be relied on to do it. Their writers have defended him multiple times, and look how this very post characterizes the drugging and raping of a young girl.

“Drug-fueled sex”? Are you shitting me?

Well now I want to kill everything. UHG. What. A. Fucking. Creep.

I don't know what I was expecting from reading that but I feel ill now. I hope karma exists.

Hey, Ellie Schechet, maybe you should call a spade a spade. Roman Polanski did not have ‘drug fueled sex’ with a 13 year old. He drugged and raped her, but by all means, if that seems too icky for you go ahead and downplay it.

I’m not surprised. It is depressing but not surprising. The odds of him ever being extradited are pretty low. One would think that a country would want to kick out a child rapist. But a famous child rapist gets coddled.

Roman Polanski, 82, who pleaded guilty in 1977 to having drug-fueled sex with drugging and raping a 13-year-old girl

I knew it was disgusting, but that was absolutely disgusting. I don’t understand how anyone who experiences empathy or sympathy would be capable of doing that to another human being.

No the judge was not at all bound by the deal he made. He may have been guilty of other misconduct but he was absolutely right that a psych eval and probation were not an appropriate penalty for anally raping a thirteen year old. And it is within his rights as a judge to reject the terms of a plea.

Uh... where’s the “dumbass troll post” flag... how do we not have one of those?

So, I always knew Roman Polanski was, obviously, a rapist and a scumbag, but it wasn’t until I read Samantha Gailey’s Grand Jury Testimony that I realized the full scope of his criminality. He was, and likely remains, a frankly terrifying sexual predator, and I would imagine there are more victims out there.