his unbridled enthusiasm and inability to accept that whatever it is he enjoys may not actually be particularly dope.
his unbridled enthusiasm and inability to accept that whatever it is he enjoys may not actually be particularly dope.
Drake is my #1 celebrity crush for the exact reason that he's a mega dork. And also because he sometimes says really poignant things.
I feel like there’s a billion new Carlton’s in the repertoire because of this video.
Finally someone says it. I’m actually not a huge Drake fan but I do like how he is a nerd. I mean it in a good way!
“It’s just such a dad thing to say.”
Hey, there - respect. The woman is 82. Once you pass 60 or so, you know you’re going to outlive people. And she’s working, probably (just because she wants to keep living like Joan Collins) because she needs to. And she looks fabulous.
It’s funnier if you spent chunks of the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s around high, shallow people or were one, the other or both.
Hugh Jackman depressed the shit out of me with his “cheating” bullshit. What’s the point of being an active muscled superhero if you can’t eat some cookies every now and again.
Feeling this comment so hard right now. Why people feel entitled to being wrong in the face of evidence is maddening
Liberaci also sued every tabloid that insinuated he was gay and won.
No, see, this is the problem with the world today. We think things are opinions when they are just facts. This isn’t a matter of opinion. This is a person who has access to the internet, and thus access to DOCUMENTED. FACTUAL. EVIDENCE. and instead chooses to ignore it and take a man’s word over a woman’s FOR NO…
So filing a defamation lawsuit makes someone seem more credible? I hope you’re never asked to be on a jury.
“Sean Penn states it is a falsehood brought against him.”
I need mental health because I have the capacity to read?
I’m not depicting you as an idiot, you literally are an idiot. You have verifiable facts that are well documented, a man with a history of abusive behavior, multiple outside sources confirming the attacks and the injuries, and you still are throwing your hands up and saying, “well he said he didn’t do it…
You and me both.
Actually, you’ve only got your opinion to blame for being thought of as an idiot.
This person is the reason I consume alcohol and yearn for a plague to scourge the earth of human life.
You missed the point.
How could I possibly feel better about anything knowing that a woman can call the police while a man is attacking her, go to the police dept visibly battered and bruised, name her accuser who has a history of violent outburst for which he has a criminal record, and there is an idiot out there who doesn’t believe her…