A Small Turnip

I LOVE the “blue zero” flag. It screams, “we are zeroes - we are losers.” I think I will keep this in mind from now on whenever I hear the word “Confederacy.”

My husband and I were talking about that today. It’s time to rebrand it as a flag of treason. Forget trying to convince rednecks it’s offensively racist — because that’s likely why they are attached to it as a symbol. But if we could start labeling it as anti-American, a flag of treason, a figurative spit on the

You should go with “you lost.” No reason to associate yourself with the Confederacy just because you live in the South. That’s the nice thing about picking sides in the Civil War these days: if you’re an American, you can still choose to be on the winning side.

It’ll be nice when none of us can recall a confederate flag.

I was gonna respond but then I was like...

I agree, I’d rather he be replaced than Hamilton. I am an unabashed Alexander Hamilton fan.

Beautiful post. If you don’t have a career in writing you should consider it.

Agreed- I was thinking exactly this. He is doing his best, in his sphere of influence, (as he sees it) to join with his co-workers to address the issue. Maybe he thinks every movie should be negotiated like Friends, IDK, but it isn’t a bad thing.

It’s funny how MRAs and a certain small, but vocal segment of the feminist movement end up sounding the same when dealing with allies of the movement.

Thank you. I’m so tired of these discussions playing out in the same ways.


This right here. There are plenty of dishes where the meat taste is not important, so start subbing it in there first. Eventually tastes will shift and no one will care about the diference but purists and foodies.

I know there are a lot of folks hissing about knights and their shining armour, and our apparent shortage of cookies to give, but man, I am happy for the helping hand. I’m glad to have Cooper on board, using his skills and position to keep pushing that line forward. I want more men to stand up and join him.

It’s more like watching algae grow but instead the composition is technically precise configurations of protein structures to ensure it tastes and feels like meat.

I assumed that it’s grown from animal cells. Basically cloning an animal, but instead of the whole animal, you’re just growing the tasty parts.

Yea I’m waiting for the anti-GMO peoples to start going on the offensive against this. People seriously need to learn to differentiate between actual science, and horror movie/cartoon science.

WOULD TOTALLY EAT after 20+ years with no meat. WELCOME, edible tissue culture, I miss the cured meats the most, can there be a bacon one?

Well that’s cool. Even if there’s a small taste change, I suspect this kind of meat could be useful in all kinds of ways. Think of how many inexpensive, everyday dishes mostly mask the flavor of beef with sauces or cheese or other ingredients.

If there’s a market for Velveeta and non-dairy coffee creamer, you cannot tell me that the taste *has* to be spot-on. Make it cheap enough, and people will accept close enough.

If the anti-GMO people weren’t annoying enough before...