A Small Turnip

TRUTH. I am a woman in a high-ranking position* in my company. I have learned the hard way (long story) not to negotiate salary. My superiors do not in any way welcome salary negotiations from me even though several men on my level have gotten raises recently. I have had success with getting paid in other ways,

I’m hugging you, but I’m hitting you! So you know, no homo!

Yeah I apologize too.

We used to joke in the military that three pats stood for “I’m not gay”

It reminds me of the scene from Westside Story - ‘play it cool, boy, REAL cool!’

Have you ever heard someone sneeze and it scares the living daylights out of you?

It’s even more complicated than that. Studios are businesses and are generally risk averse. So they’d rather continue funding and making movies that follow a formula - where males have bigger roles in general.

Yup, Asian women are beating white women as far as wages go. Asian men are catching up to white men and it’s expected that they’ll soon begin earning more. I’m not sure if that’s also true in this article’s (Hollywood) context. That would be interesting to know. I’m guessing white actresses make more.

There’s a functionally infinite labour supply of actors, male and female both, but there are far fewer significant roles for women than men, and, yeah, agreed, I do think that’s at play here. It’s much harder to “just walk away” from a role over pay (or even plausibly threaten to in negotiations) when decently

So... communism?

I was waiting for this comment to be made—the classic “yeah, you have problems but someone has it worse so shut up.” Look. These are white actresses starting the topic but so what? They’re women, they’re starting it, and black/hispanic/asian women will benefit from it as well when they share their own experiences as

Actually Asian women are paid considerably better than white women in comparison with white men.

This is such a hard issue, because I hear a lot of people say one of two things.

Men: That’s not fair! Women get special treatment! Misandry! We should address this injustice!


The Washington Post had a story on it yesterday.

this is why i don’t hold much truck with the “we shouldn’t be arguing about the women at the top, we should be fighting for the wome in the middle/bottom!” argument. we SHOULD, so totally obviously, be fighting for them! intersectionally as well! and it’s WAY more important! but i think this is one area where

Kites are the worst. Sometimes I wish I could just clip all their strings.

Do you have a cite for this? I’m actually quite curious to see how the wage gap varies with observables like race.

So when are women going to start being charged less than men for the same products/services? If we aren't worth paying a fair wage, why do we have to spend the same amount?