A Small Turnip

NO TIME LIMIT? Are you sure about that CNBC guys? They’re all pretty dumb, if no one tells them to stop talking they may not.

He can’t stand that long. He’s 70 and not in the best shape and as fr as Carson goes, three hours of anything uses up his energy reserve for the next year.

CNBC should counter his demads by dis-inviting him. Don’t let him boycott shit. Lock him out

Looks like Trump’s team just figured out what Hillary Clinton’s knew a year ago: debates are toxic to frontrunners unless they flat-out win. Trump is a shitty debater, so the whole debate is just an opportunity for everyone else to take potshots while he stands there looking like the unwilling guest of honor at a

Addicts are people too, you prick. It isn’t that difficult (for non sociopaths) to care about more than a handful of things at a time.

You’re running for president and a 3-hour debate is just too much of a time commitment for you, Donald?

Pawnee, Indiana, I’m led to believe.

The great thing about the Internet is that it’s not made of paper like newspapers and magazines are. So people can publish all the news they want without it growing too large to comfortably read. There’s plenty of room for stories about refuges AND basketball players - with the Internet, you don’t have to pick and

Again, a human being is near death. You don’t have to be a dick about it.

Dude is on his death bed...

Laziness? He averaged a 13-8 line over a 14 year NBA career. What crazy standards do you hold people to? That’s like a top 500 NBA career ever in a sport with thousands of peak form athletes.

Because the gossip round-up has always been called Dirtbag. They could link to stories about a celeb saving puppies from a burning building, and it would still be called that.

He... was found in a high-end brothel after doing thousands of dollars worth of drugs over the weekend. He may have been naked, but he wasn’t broke.

A lot of people think that addiction is devastating because you get addicted and then you lose everything and if only you could get everything back you’d recover. Instead, it’s you get addicted, your performance jumps up a notch because you’ve found that “thing” that completes you, then your performance slowly withers

Fair enough! I admit it’s very much a love/hate thing for me, so I totally hear you.

Dear Master P,

all of this could have been avoided if Kobe Bryant had pulled some strings to get Odom back on the team.

  • Meghan Trainor HATES the term “plus size” and says, “It should be gone.” [Celebitchy]

This family is my favourite tabloid indulgence, usually because they’re hilariously shameless and say/do some pretty funny shit. But this kind of thing is heartbreaking for any family. I’m reining in every snarky urge I have and just wishing them well.