So I used to drive big rigs and every time I hear ‘conscious uncoupling’ I think of a self aware truck unhitching itself from a self aware trailer.
So I used to drive big rigs and every time I hear ‘conscious uncoupling’ I think of a self aware truck unhitching itself from a self aware trailer.
Because a crucial component of being a non-psychopathic human being is empathy, the thing that allows us to understand other people and put ourselves in their shoes despite not knowing them.
I feel empathy for people I don’t know all the time. That’s as it should be.
It was nice of you to provide a genuine answer to an undoubtedly judgmental question.
Because divorce is stressful and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone if there was a good way around it. Besides, I admire his work and corporeal beauty and, based off his tweets, he and his wife seem nice. Nice people whom I admire bring out my sympathy. And also my marriage is my most important relationship in my life, so…
Also Mildred Pierce. And Lockout. He’s great. Definitely underrated.
My favorite too. He’s got a bit of the peculiar and can pretty much step into just about any character type. A character actor who can lead and bring something new and interesting is very rare.
I was just going to say. Guy, Jason and Kylie forever.
Also, I just quickly Google image-searched him and remembered precisely how jaw-droppingly beautiful I find him. More props to his wife: I would never have been confident enough to be married to him.
Dan Harmon and Erin McGathy are doing a pretty classy divorce right now. Much love for both of them.
I love him. Priscilla, Queen of the Desert was a very influential movie for me as a teenager and Memento blew my mind as an undergrad. I’m sad he’s divorcing, but I love him even more now for his good attitude and that he had such a long marriage in the first place. Bittersweet.
He’ll always be Mike from ‘Neighbours’ for me...
Start wherever the hell you like because continuity isn’t SVU’s deal. Somebody else mentioned Benson’s hair telling you what season it is, but to add on, show quality is inversely proportional to her hair length. The best seasons are her pixie cut- it’s a perfectly ok procedural drama then- and the worst seasons are…
Definitely. It’s even more bizarre to watch Criminal Intent and hear Bobby pontificating about Asperger’s Syndrome like it’s totally unknown—but the diagnosis was just hitting the mainstream when that episode was filmed.
It’s bizarre to watch the early seasons because everybody looks twelve and they say shit that would never past muster in later years. It’s a real time capsule of how attitudes have changed in the last twenty years.
I feel like SVU is one of those shows that’s just ALWAYS been on. I personally can’t tell you when I started watching it, because I don’t remember, but you can pretty much jump in anywhere. If you watch like three or four episodes in a row, you’d be able to piece together whatever background arc is currently being…
If you watch it from the beginning, counting up all of Stabler’s bullet wounds — preferably taking tequila shots for each — is de riguer.
Man, that dude is more lead than anything at this point.
I’ve never seen a photo of Michelle where she doesn’t look hypnotized and/or on drugs. I think Dad Duggar might have her under an Imperious spell...
They rip the stories from the headlines because most of the headlines are a prime example of: “you can’t make this sh!t up...”