A Small Turnip

Not to be a knowledgist, but T.I. is far too stupid to be talking in public, especially with a recording device in the vicinity.

I know that when I think of Angela first thought is “rash, emotional decision maker.”

C’mon, now: you know that any statement that begins, “Not to be X, but...” is going to be X as fuck.

Pro tip: when someone begins a sentence with “not to be sexist/racist/a bigot but...”, you know that some crazy shit is about to flow forth. Just got back from a family wedding and heard this about a dozen times. It was interresting crowd, mix of young/old, conservative/liberal, ex-military/civilian,

In the past five years, I’ve seen three of my middle-aged male friends desert their wives and kids to follow their dick to greener pastures. I have never seen a middle-aged woman do anything remotely similar. So who’s irrational and controlled by their hormones?

Counterpoint: Angela Merkel.

Wow. What a sophisticated view of female psychology. Putting aside his baseless assertions about negotiation tactical differences between men and women, he seems to have a second graders understanding of the military.

I always find this whole, “WOMEN CAN’T LEAD, THEY HAVE PERIODS!” meme particularly alarming. Mostly because it displays how horrible sex ed in this country is if mass swaths of people think 67 year old Hillary Clinton is still riding the cotton pony.

doesn’t he have daughters? what an asshole. imagine what his girls must think.

I was gonna say: hasn’t this dude been involved in multiple brawls and fights with fellow rappers over, uh, basically nothing? Rash indeed.

This “women are too emotional to be in positions of power” shit is hilarious to me because the MOST emotional people I know who make rash decisions are male. That includes my father who cried on his drive home the other day because I told him thanks for always being there for me as an offhand comment.

Honestly I’m glad someone said it, so now we can fucking discuss the thing head-on instead of dilly dallying around it by asking questions like “Will she be able to juggle work and family” and other fucking nonsense everything like such as.

*types in nuclear launch codes*

this is a ridiculous post, stop being so emotional

twitter is quickly pointing out all the rash decisions he’s made and it is wonderful

It’s kinda like, I just know that women make rash decisions emotionally – they make very permanent, cemented decisions – and then later, it’s kind of like it didn’t happen, or they didn’t mean for it to happen

Children doing gravity experiments will never not be funny.

Yeah, I was expecting more than a weaksause phone call to Amber saying “sorry we were dicks.”

When I read the headline, I was expecting Kim to have called some shady characters and said “SHUT IT DOWN” or similar. An apology is weak sauce.