
HAHAHA... Yeah.. we're just talking about unarmed people being killed- let's not take it too seriously during that conversation- HAHAHA!!

In the Zimmerman case, there were actual visual damage to George Zimmerman, and 0 witnesses- how on earth is he definitely guilty while this guy is definitely innocent?

There is more

That's weird, you guys made the exact opposite argument with Trayvon Martin last year, who weighed about 155 pounds to George Zimmerman's 200 pounds.

Also, your name is "retarded," because YOUR is possessive and the word you were looking for is "you're," which is a contraction standing for you are.

So take your

He couldn't have reached for his gun you ignorant fuck. Stop touting that utterly preposterous story.

The officer is right handed and was in an SUV. His gun was on his right hip. The only way to reach for that gun would be to lay your entire body in the lap of the officer, taking your feet off the ground and being

You should really look up the word apathetic. If this article were apathetic, you would actually be fully supporting it, because apathy is what you're advocating.

These really aren't difficult words, but your inability to understand them really helps me understand the rest of the stupid in your comments.

YES!!! TOTALLY RIGHT!!! We should lie to the child and tell them they're completely safe and they have all the same rights as their white friends! That way when they're shot for doing the exact same shit their white friends did, at least they'll die with the false impression that everything was equal!

You're an

You have no point you ignorant fuck!

No one supports murdering police officers, which is why no one protests when these assholes get locked up or get their veins shot full of potassium.

People protest when the government fucks up, not when individuals fuck up. When individuals fuck up, we trust government to fix the

Umm... white people killing black people isn't a black person problem. That's a white person doing wrong, and therefore a white person problem.


Not really,
"I sorry that you were offended," is one of those great non-apologies. It's actually a quite famous non-apology that everyone gives when they're not actually sorry for their actions.

"Mr. Demoff clearly regretted that any members of the Ram's [sic] organization would act in a way that minimized the


The word you're looking for is "you're," theft is not a death penalty, and Darren Wilson didn't know Michael Brown was a thief... so your entire argument is shit.

And as a white dude that has joined these protests, the rest of your complaint is crap. I've never been kicked out of any of these protests, nor

Thanks buddy, but you don't know shit about me, where I'm from, or what groups I run with.

Mike Brown is a symbol you dunce, just as Trayvon Martin before him. No one claims Mike Brown is the penultimate victim, or even the only victim in recent times. We have a completely innocent 12 year old in Ohio, another

This is a time for EVERYONE to take a stand, regardless of race or status in this world. Any of us denying the humanity in another segment of our society shows our own lack of humanity.

Only one of my suits is a three-button suit! It's like you don't even listen to a single word I say!


Not to mention who takes care of the child when the parents can no longer manage? Down syndrome is becoming quite manageable and people are living to quite old ages. Many of them have the mental functioning of a small child, and as previously stated by others, require constant supervision.

If a person wants to have a

You're extremely rational. I'm a fan.

I hate plain white dress shirts. I own one and I think I've worn it once. It's just soooo boring.

Serious question- are three button suits in or out?

One of my suits is a three button, and I have been avoiding wearing it because I heard they're out, but I've also read they've been making a comeback in recent years.

This is pretty much the extent of what I have to worry about with fashion, and really it's more than I

Really? I never thought I'd be called a fake man on Jezebel...

I'm a Ph.D. chemist. My suits and dress shirts are from Macy's and J.C. Penney's. I wore the same suit to a job interview last Monday that I wore when I got married 7 years ago. I'll wear the same suit again to my next job interview on Monday. (By the

It's actually kind of funny- when we're the most dressed up is when we're actually the dirtiest.

We're on the same page. The man made quite clear part of his intention was to show how easy society makes it to be a man. It was super cool and quite effective, but it probably didn't take that much effort on his part.

Most men don't actually wash their suits very often. They fit relatively loose and we wear several layers underneath it, so we typically are careful not to spill things on the outside of it, and just wash our underwear and the dress shirt we were wearing with it. He could probably just throw it in the dryer with