
man, you wont get through to anyone here. americans love their guns.

Really cause people went Ape shit at the thought of not being able to own an AR-15...Not that there is ANY valid excuse on the planet as to why you would need a semi-automatic rifle....Yet people went ape shit......Not that they were going to take everyone's guns just that you wouldn't be able to purchase semi auto

Because the loud disturbed brain dead minority of muricans who jerk off at the thought of guns are the loudest, most annoying people on the planet....Which in turn makes the normal people look bad because we all get lumped together

PSSSSTTTT.....Cause they are, no other country on the planet is obsessed with taking a gun with them everywhere they go....

Um cause MURICA is the only country on the planet where we worship guns and explosives...We're the only country where pathetic gun nuts actually fap themselves over the thought of a new gun that fires bullets rapidly.....Apparently we still live in the wild fucking west where you shoot people in the face who were just

Though I prefer the music during the ending credits myself (honestly, just thinking of the ending and how the very first note hits immediately after a pause as the screen goes black. I choke up even now), I'll recommend this post because that soundtrack is a video gaming triumph.

Ugh tell me about it. It is a sad state of affairs. More shootings then ever before and it isn't slowing down.

Also, as a side note, I find these types of videos ridiculous and complete overkill to be blowing up a console with C4... I mean, seriously.

I think you summed up with "cool as fuck". you americans love everything violent. that's why you shoot each other at airports and schools, and go to war weekly.

Not all Americans are like that, but a lot of Americans live in a constant state of fear. They think they're above the law
If they could use the excuse of "i need a rpg to protect my family" they would.

I feel sorry for you since you're actually correct but a lot of Americans are getting there knickers in a twist and refusing to accept a pretty normal generalisation. Obviously it was a generalisation but you've clearly explained it's based on what you've actually experienced, seems pretty dumb that people are so

Buddy, I get where you are coming from but you won't win this arguement. By the time all is said and done the final statement will be purple monkey dishwasher.


Hmm I'm really getting tired of this, this generation is creating way too much waste for no real reason.

Are you fucking kidding me? You do realize these people decapitate heads and throw them in the middle of streets right? You do realize they rape and murder women of all ages? You do realize they have taken over an entire Country hostage and are the direct result of over 35,000 deaths a year in Mexico? Fuck you for

No one's pretending it doesn't exist, but what they want is for people to see this in an effort to recruit more people. Showing off their selfies on a gaming site is another problem in itself but I digress.

Pathetic. As if we need more drug lords getting attention for killing people. This article shouldn't have seen the light of day.

Even Bronson, an awful person would of donated then fist fucked the OP.