
She apparently doesn't understand hundreds of thousands of years of evolution of why males are protective over their mates and offspring. Embrace who you are and your heritage, and stop being so over sensitive.

Not to mention, she is straw man argumenting so hard without showing the other side at all. I can find all

You rock sir. I have to agree with you. Her viewpoint is overly simplistic and frankly, I feel like she applies a fine-tooth comb to things that never were meant to bear that level of scrutiny.

I'm always on the look out for that one horror game (or movie or whatever) that actually scares me. There's been a few, but not many. I'm pretty jaded.

So... how much does Microsoft pay you?

Porco, just let it rest, your pretty much trying to get through a wall with a toothpick talking to this guy...

The could call me up and tell me my mother is a whore and they'd still be doing better than microsoft is doing right now....

Yeah, if this is going to use the same engine as Dead Island, then count me out. Running and ESPECIALLY jumping were abysmally bad in those games.

I agree with you, their shaky camera movement on Dead Island gave me motion sickness for weeks! at one point I had to lay down and just pill up on Dramamine until hallucinations kick in.

Could not agree with you more. I bought Mirrors Edge new and would never trade it in. I still play through the story every now and then. I'm an amature free runner myself so no surprise how much I love the game. Dice has hinted in the past for a sequel.

"One is that the timing of this game's announcement is a little awkward, as, given the bloody events in London yesterday, this suddenly doesn't feel like a very appealing fantasy:"
That is a manufactured issue, stop doing that please. People get beheaded all over the world, people die all over the world, something

ok so its a 'psychological action thriller'. great. only problem was that it wasn't thrilling. at all.

Alan Wake was trying so hard to be Steven King, but in my opinion, barely made it past Goosebumps.

I'm sorry Hal, but I can't let you play without me and with no Internet connection.

Triple triad was awesome. That is all.

Geabox is charging so so much for their DLC, its kind of ridiculous. I know something is worth whatever people are willing to pay for it, but when you ask 5$ to increase level capacity and 10$ for a single character or $5 for a 5 stage arena DLC piece that lasts about 40 minutes... i don't know. It just feels wrong.

I'm not saying eh should or should not get it, but he lost all privileges when he murdered people, people who because of him who had families that an no longer enjoy anything with their loved ones.

Put down the fork? Thank you for that oh so original assessment of the cure for fatness. Thannnnnk you. You've been so helpful. * Runs off to put ALL the forks down!*

The first and only step is: starve yourself for approximately every day until you die.