
I get that you are so sexually repressed and feel so poorly about your tiny reproductive system that you need weapons to make you feel like a man, but, son, it's really not healthy. You should find help.

And this, everyone, is why you shouldn't do meth.

The technology behind that is fantastic. I can't wait until the material is more freely available for consumer use and I can start exploring Los Santos in all first person glory.

Any reasonably intelligent person fears ignorant masses like you and ExtraExtra owning firearms.

Intelligent gun owner is a contradiction in terms.

Are we doing the finger pointing game? I hear that's a lot of fun. Especially when it comes from people like you.

I'm smarter than you could ever hope to be, more educated too.

I responded to your question about semi's, it's entirely up to you what to do with it. But since you're clearly so inept at understanding definitions like a fetish, I can't help you. You are beyond it. Education has failed you. I will have fries with that, thank you.

If you can't understand simple definitions or slight hyperbole, I can't help you. You completely ignored the statement about how ludicrous the whole "I need these guns because danger" argument is, because it allows for the understanding that you believe yourself to live in a world/town/city that is so fraught with

I'm sure your teacher can explain them to you in school if you ask nicely.

Telling people they shouldn't live in dangerous places makes just as much as sense as people saying they're just amassing an armory because they're afraid for their safety. Both are ludicrous statements, but somehow the people with the gun fetishes believe they are in the right, all the while making things only worse

I know perfectly well, and still a normal person has no business brandishing a sig sauer in normal day to day life.

Also, if you're going to argue that you need weapons to protect yourself, then clearly you're also saying that you live in such dangerous places that life itself is not possible without guns - which just

And nobody should, I believe that owning a gun is in most states far too easy a thing and that an average person has no business owning one. If you're worried about your safety, don't live in dangerous neighborhoods or cities. Get a lock. A guard dog. There are people living in major capitals of the world who never

It is not, because these were smart guys and if they saw that morons were still reading their text as an excuse to play 80's action heroes, they'd just shut down the country and try and start over somewhere smarter.

We have amended, debated, changed, added and controlled the other amendments. The entire constitution has been modified to suit the modern world - EXCEPT FOR THE 2ND AMENDMENT which people keep clinging on to in this crazy, pointless and juvenile belief that if Da Man comes for them, they'll totally be safe.

The constitution was a continuation of the declaration of independence - which itself was a declaration of war. Course the founding fathers believed that anyone was in a militia then. You can't apply things from nearly two hundred years ago and pretend that they can still be directly applied to the world today. No gun

And hey, what do you know, guns are also drastically different, why aren't we reading that into the constitution then? When the founding fathers wrote what they did, I don't any of them was imagining the dumbest person in their town being able to walk around with a weapon concealed in their pants that packed more


A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

It's all one sentence. Meaning the people of a well regulated (trained, disciplined) militia, for the security of the free state, shall have the right bear arms.

Explain why no mass shooter has attempted his act somewhere where armed citizens (not victims) are likely to oppose him?

There isn't a shred of proof? Huh, then that must be completely irrelevant that there are audio surveillance tapes of Davidian telling his men to pour the gas, the massive amounts of gas canisters that they had and the fact that the cult had stated they were getting ready for death. If anything, there is overwhelming