
I've never understood how one company can "own" the rights to show a character in one format while the original creator can "own" that character in any other format.

That's the most civil discussion I've ever had on such a subject.

Yeah, and I just can't like it.

I cannot begin to express how much I hate that show.

No, I mean that the average Joe thinks gold plating things is dumb.

Smell? WTF...

It's gold. Gold plating mundane objects is often considered the apex of stupid.

Yeah! Lets have them only make these games for PC and screw over those console peasants! /sarcasm.

So, who wants to set up some online multiplayer? This shit was direct connect, i.e. enter the IP address of the host, back in the day and the only service that did the finger work for you is now long dead. But, using the direct connect method should still work fine.

How about a petition to have them not release limited editions and instead have them release collector's editions. Only thing that limiting the quantity does is make it ripe for scalpers. Limited editions don't serve your fans!

I've seen a lot of memes about people misplacing their controller between play sessions too though and I've never understood it. Maybe I'm more organized than most, but when I'm done playing the controller goes back where I got it. If I put it down during gameplay, it goes on the coffee table right in front of me. I

I've seen some pretty lame defenses of the light bar in this article. You really don't need to defend Sony here people, it was a stupid decision have to a light on the front of the controller that can't be turned off. No need to be defensive about it, Sony is just as capable as anyone of making a dumb choice.

You can set the controllers to turn themselves off after a set period of time so the battery doesn't drain, and a smaller might would have been sufficient to indicate power.

I have a matte screen and even those reflect, it may not be as much but they still do.

That's fine I guess, but that doesn't really explain why it needs to stay on even when I'm obviously not using a VR headset.

yeah, I'm sure a ton of people have that camera. And four little leds like the DS3 had worked great for identification without a huge reflection.

You said exactly why I, and others, don't like Demon/Dark Souls, "tedious gameplay." Yeah, no thanks. I'm an RN, tedious is my day job, I don't need or want it to become my pass time (yes, I've played at least part of both Demon and Dark souls).

I believe it's supposed to work with the PlayStation camera in a manner similar to that goofy looking motion controller with the glowing ball on the end.

I wonder if this includes the purchase of PSN Plus. Between this and the $10 PSN store credit for buying a PS4, that's a mighty nice price for PSN Plus.

Considering several other networks have apparently been compromised recently it's entirely possible passwords were obtained from someplace else. All they have to do is check and see if your username/email and password works on origin.