My dreams crushed. The Z is sold, only four hours after you posted this article and many hours after I looked at Jalopnik. And it was only four hours north of me...
My dreams crushed. The Z is sold, only four hours after you posted this article and many hours after I looked at Jalopnik. And it was only four hours north of me...
Figures this would happen right when I get a PS4. Was looking forward to playing The Last of Us, since I didn't experience it on the PS3. Oh well, Shadows of Mordor has been keeping me very busy. Enough so that I haven't gone back to Dragon Age on my Xbox One.
I'm just one of those gamers that doesn't want my past time to become a spectator sport so to speak. I'm in the camp of games should be played. I'm also in the camp of MLG being one of the worst things to happen to gaming. The "bro gamer" (not a remark against Pewdiepie, I mean that term in the more general sense)…
I didn't really think he wasn't, God/maker help us is more a term of exasperation in this case.
ha, no, no puns intended.
Maker help us if Pewdiepie is influential...and yes, I read the article about him....
If I paid any attention to Dragon Quest I'd be excited, for now Hyrule Warriors will be the ultimate warriors game in my own little world.
bottom line, Japanese are weird.
The penultimate in American commercials, many of them have nothing to do with what's being advertised.
Clasic JRPGs are full of medieval architecture, like someone else pointed out the Japnese are keen on European fantasy with European style castles, dragons, knights, etc.
You've seen American commercials right? Far more nonsensical than this.
And well, I don't know if you remember the launch of Halo 2 but matchmaking was utter crap for at least three weeks. I was trash talking the crap out of Bungie for not just putting in a server browser like every other Original Xbox game had, and look how that turned out.
Because I'm not going bail on a company after a fucked launch of one game, especially when it's taken them less time to fix 90% of the issues that other games continue to have a year later. And when the last game they launched didn't have these kinds of issues it says to me they are capable. In all likelihood an exec…
I'll probably catch shit for this, but i feel like fighting games are a rather niche genre for a small subset of gamers. That said, i wouldn't really call this a shot at Microsoft like many commentors have said, if it increases sales of the PS4 it'll barely be a pimple on the ass end of the sales chart.
Then no ad hominem attacks for you by calling him a fanboy ;)
They should have shown those PSX graphics at their original resolution. And isn't that Aeris from one of the FMV cut scenes?
Those TVs...this is you don't want to throw anything near the TV, let alone a controller. I have family that throws balls for their dogs right past the TV and I cringe every time. I'm sure the balls aren't as hard as a controller but LCD screens aren't really made to take ANY kind of impact.
lol as if it's just because 360 controllers are bad. I've still got one from launch that works just fine. Then again I still my original Nintendo 64 controller and it works fine, the stick is only a little bit loose. It's all about how you play with them.
Well crap, of course I scroll down and someone already posted it... /sigh Not a fan of this new comment system, this happens too often.
Didn't Nerf make a controller at one point?