Sigh, android never gets any love. Yea I get out, there are more devices so it's harder, blah blah, doesn't stop devs from making PC games.
Sigh, android never gets any love. Yea I get out, there are more devices so it's harder, blah blah, doesn't stop devs from making PC games.
"One provided anecdote mentions a voice yelling 'go, go, go' when the person couldn't get past other people on the subway." Operation Metro?
Right Sony. What you don't want is competition for your own subscribe to play service which, at least in the beta, had some pretty outrageous prices according to those who got to use it and charged by the hour.
This is great for people who like their annualized sports franchises. Buy a years worth and play Madden all year. Next year, do it again, and it's cheaper than buying the full title, probably cheaper by enough that it makes up for any possible resale value at the end of the year.
Racing on a track at 60 fps vs racing over a dozen different types of terrain in varied weather conditions at 30 fps in a massive free roaming environment... that sounds pretty different. And honestly the last horizon felt very different to me for those reasons. And the A I could be made far more difficult in horizon,…
Holy shit that's brilliant.
I like the Forza, Twitch, and Nerdist ones, the others feel gaudy or lazy. The games cover art? Really? Lazy AND ugly. MLG one is just too gaudy (personally I think MLG is a joke anyway). And actually, the Machinima Xbox is pretty nice too, I'd totally go for an all red Xbox.
If any other company but Valve did this kind of micro transaction stuff they'd catch seven kinds of shit.
yeah! Let's show Microsoft that this port that came out 11 years ago wasn't good enough for us! Cause that matters so much now, 11 years later.
Except for the fact that Horizon is a different beast all together from the numbered Forza. The name may have come out two years in a row but the game play certainly has not.
WTF did I just watch.
That's pretty par for the course in most games with aircraft too and it's rather true to life as well; though the general physics in GTA obviously aren't realistic.
Cole Train baby! Whoooo! Sorry, I couldn't resist.'s still better than the average person's view of EA then?
Interesting. I wonder if I saw the Totally Games logo on the CD version of X-wing then which came later.
Really? I could have sworn the Totally Games logo was on the boot up of the original X-Wing. Ah, well, it's been a long time since I've played so what the hell do I know by this point eh?
LucasArts didn't make the X-wing games, a company called Totally Games did.
The PC master race always feel they are above console war level pettiness, but the lines of loyalty between these two card manufacturers has been going on for years and it's every bit as silly as the console wars.
That was more sarcasm than anything. I actually believe games should be designed to run at maximum settings 1080p 60 fps on mid tier hardware rather than high or bleeding edge. Everything beyond that is gravy and those who can run a game at 1440 at 200 fps are welcome to do so, but those people are outliers and I hate…
But is that not PC gaming? Pushing things ever further in the pursuit of bragging rights? Does anyone need a quad or even dual gpu setup with GTX titans? No, these things don't actually contribute to the enjoyment of games, and yet they are done. For the epeen.