
That's not at all what it's saying. It's saying that peoples lust for things often outweighs the enjoyment they derive from possessing them. People often want for something so badly that what they get in the end can never live up to what they imagined. But this isn't always the case, which is why it says "MAY find"

"After a time you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing, after all, as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true."

PlayStation 4 isn't a deal, at least not any more; current price is $469.99.

Damn man, even I wouldn't have know how to operate that. MS DOS is about as far back as I go.

Do you know Dr. Orpheus?

Publishing it would be amazing. But, assuming you're right about releasing streaming software for multiple platforms, and I think you are, they'd likely release for Android and there's you ARM processor code.

A little late to the party on this, but I work in the medical field and having to write by hand is often an essential part of the job.

I'm only interested in the streaming part, I couldn't care less if the platform can natively support the software. It would be more a good will gesture to the community than anything what, and valve is well known for gestures like that.

Why wouldn't they? All Gabe really cares about is getting his OS out there. And if he's half the bad ass PC gamers glorify him to be...

The difference being Rage still sucked even when the gunplay was good because the whole game was too damn repetitive. That's why I lost anyway.

Not in it's current state, but that doesn't mean that it can't be ported.

is there a way to stream to raspberry pi? I wonder if there is there a way to install steam OS to the pi...if I'm going to stream I want the receiving machine to be something very low power and running two computers doesn't sound power efficient.

There are quite a few companies that are working to resolve that though. Codemasters is supposedly patching it's Dirt games so they will work without GFWL.

I think Battlefield has always had the option to play on unranked servers, which eliminates the need to have a profile, but don't quote me on that. At any rate, I'm sure there's a workaround for this as well, if people can hack together a private WoW server they can probably hack a Battlefield 2 workaround.

Because hating on EA is what all the cool kids are doing these days, never you mind the fact that this is what has been happening to online games for well over a decade...

really? You're talking to what is obviously a console gamer with a PS4 about whether or not Titanfall is exclusive. Considering his platform of choice it is, for all intents and purposes, exclusive. A console gamer is going to likely stick to console so when talking in terms of exclusivity it's a no brainer to rule

it's funny, I feel the same way about Destiny that you do about Titanfall. Sure, it's not exclusive, but I keep reading, and hearing from friends, that Bungie stated the "definitive" version of the game is going to be on the PS4, and I'll be damned if I'm going to buy a PS4 for one (definitive) game. Telling me that

yes, that is a P-38

Actually, they were giving away one per day for an entire month at one point.