
Are some people really just now realizing this is a problem? Is this not one of the reasons there was outcry at the Xbox One's system? This is certainly one of the reasons I'm not as keen on Steam as most people for this reason.

the only update I want to see is an extension to the record time. Five minutes isn't shit, if I want to save am entire game it doesn't cut it. Hell, in battlefield it often doesn't even cover a single, top plays worthy life.

Eh...that was a terrible winner.

Moron. Wasteful moron.

They gotta work on their game a bit, that Zero would have been done for, and probably without putting a dent in the other aircraft; those things were made from wood and fabric FFS.

I'll quote the original post, "...even though costs like manufacturing and distribution have been eliminated." He said, point blank, that digital distribution eliminates distribution costs; so yes, some people do say it's free, that's the entire reason I replied to him. And he's not the only person on Kotaku that's

If I could find the article taking about how Steam charges the publisher for each download I'd show it to you. Instead I'll point to this one on PC Gamer article where Notch states they (Steam) take 30% of every sale, that's a significant amount of money. Assuming Valve isn't just being a dick that's got to be 20% for

Why does everyone assume there are no distribution costs? Do download servers not cost money? Does the digital distributor not charge the publisher for each and every download (including steam which, from my understanding, charges for every single download of the game for the life of the title)? Even digital

That is the perfect gif for this situation.

Here is the states we just shoot you if you're trespassing.

I've had a similar experience. When we got our first computer I sat in front of it way too long and way too close. My eyes were fine up until that point. But after a long session I'd have blurry vision for a period of time afterward. Eventually that period of blurred vision got longer and longer until it never went

Yes! Loved this game. I believe PC gamer even called it "the best game ever made" at one point.

Yup. Was just looking for who posted it before me.

They are addicted to paying with their phone though, or it so it would seem given the many articles on the subject, so you would think that electronic payment methods would be more common place.

Well, it works. Definitely noticed the input lag, it was slight but problematic in fast paced games; reminded me of HD lag like we used to see on old HDTVs. Video is OK but noticeably compressed. You're not going to be mistaking this for anything but a stream, say maybe a really good YouTube or Twitch stream. The

Yea, Outcast was awesome. Far more enjoyable than Academy, that includes the multiplayer; mostly because I feel they screwed up the lightsaber combat with the addition of double/double sided sabers (they never balanced them right).

For all the talk about DICE screwing this up, they're not being pushed to shove this game out the door onto two newly released consoles and the PC whilst trying to develop and also shove out the door two dumbed down versions of the game for a previous generation. That gives me hope.

I certainly hope so.

That is one sexy example of Skyline, bloody hell.