Scrappiness? How about just being a fucking dumbass. Way to cost your team any small shot they may have had at beating the forever better Cardinals
Scrappiness? How about just being a fucking dumbass. Way to cost your team any small shot they may have had at beating the forever better Cardinals
Are you joking, because you're absolutely right. And that's why he'll be sitting on his couch watching the Cards in the series shortly
You're probably a total soccer mom pussy weakling, so really, you'd have no choice
Precisely. Looking for a payday above what her usual welfare check brings in
FOr what? The bitch looks like she gets enough food stamps
Look at that fat fucking pig. No one raped her, good lord
2 to 1 he put it in her butt that night
Of course the Mexicans love us, why else would they come screeching across the border here constantly
Yeah, I'm sure that's all there is to the story.
You know who they should arrest are the parents of the girls who bullied and the parents of the girl who killed herself. All should be arrested for raising such fucking wimps
Cardinals > Dodgers. Just the way it is
Why did Deadpsin write this disingenuous article and not show Wainwright's full quotes or give it any context? He was clearly joking.
That's what Deadspin does. What were you expecting? Journalism?
Looks like shit, as it always has
Are there any women here who aren't pathetically insecure?
Ugly bitch, still an ugly bitch
What would any woman who frequents or writes for Jezebel know about anything remotely involving relationships? We're not talking about relationships with your 12 cats, combat boots, or hair clippers for fuck sake
What's odd is that with all this talk about "the south," New York and Boston are easily the most racist places in this country
Difference between Trayvon Martin and MLK? Nothing, they're both dead black guys!